Hi From North Lake Western Australia- The Shepherd's


6 Years
Jun 7, 2013
Perth WA
Hi Great to have somewhere to chat about our chicken experiences.
I'm a dad to three great kids aged 2, 9 and 10, one boy and two girls and my wife Cate and I have 10 chickens, one black leghorn, whose about to start laying, 6 wyandotte chicks (unsexed ) and two high line chicks (hens) and a mystery chicken that was found and dropped around to us on Thursday...He/ She was found wandering about near the lake and was very hungry and friendly. I've attached a photo if anyone cares to guess the breed and sex...I have the 8 chicks in a home made brooder box and they are delightful, we had show and tell at the girls school and my little boy was proud as punch walking in with his baby chicks to show all the school kids...

I am in the process of laying a concrete base for the hen house with and agi drain and then will build the hen run that will go around my shed and into our garden.

I will post some photos off the chicks and hopefully the guys with some experience can help me sex them.
Ive had a look at feather sexing and still havn't a clue on how many roos / hens I will have.


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