Hi from SC


Jun 4, 2015
South Carolina
Just getting started in raising chickens and I already love them. We still do not know what kind of chickens they are or what sex they are is there any certain way to tell the sex other than waiting until they lay or crow.. And if I post pics could someone maybe help me out with the breed. We picked out 6 chicks at a farm and seed store. Thanks
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the new chicks!

You can post pics in our What Breed and Gender section for more help with the Breeds and Sexes....https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this

If you have any questions about your new babies, feel free to ask around the forums.

Welcome to our flock!
How old are your chicks? You get more accurate opinions if you wait till 6-8 weeks. But if you want to post pictures now - sometimes at an earlier age, cockerels make their presence known.

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