Hi from Tn

Tn treeguy

10 Years
Jul 1, 2012
As a small boy I remember my grandmother's chickens, lots of them , all free ranging. I got flogged by a rooster when I was three.
Ok that's all the backgroung I'm giving. I've been wanting to have some laying hens for a long time now, but the wife was against it. She grew up with chickens and only remembers the bad parts.After twenty some odd years of being the model husband, and much pleading, I mean debate
, we're gonna have some chickens.
We live on a farm in a rural area, so I first thought " get some birds and turn them loose. After reading on this site for some weeks now, I have decided that it's not that simple.We have every predator except bears around here.There are so many that it would be nearly impossible to control them.
I decided to build a secure coop with attached run, and let them out when I can be around to guard them. I work full time, so they can only free range in the evenings and weekends.I'll post some pictures soon so that you'all can critique. It needs to be as secure as Ft Knox. Reading here has led me to believe that maybe I should have a rooster for the security of the flock. It never occured to me that he provided any service other that breeding. Kinda didn't want to have a roo, you know why
. Maybe confronting those old fears is a healthy thing. It's pretty silly, I mean after four years in the Marine Corps,I'm a high voltage lineman, and a volunteer firefighter, and every time I see a rooster, I get that old fight or flight thing going on.
Anyway the coop is about halfway finished and I have located some 6 month old Buff Orpington Poults. Wish me luck.
Not sure you need to be wished good luck, but I will do so at your request. It sounds as if you have logically thought out this whole plan and are doing all the right things. Just keep saying to yourself: I am bigger than that rooster. I am bigger than that rooster. I am big-----------------------------------------------------------.
I use to hate all the chickens running around my grandpas farm. To be honest I hated all the animals growing up. Pigs, goats, chickens...etc. but I now have chickens and tons of eggs in incubator. Went a little chicken crazy with the eggs. Ended up with two incubators. But I now have 3 pigs, still hate them. Lol 2 tn walkers, one paint pony and my three chickens, 1 dog, and more than I want to count of cats an still having more. So good luck to you... Think I need some of that myself here on hwy 87.
Glad you joined! And I know how you feel.... when we got our first batch of chickens, over half of them were roosters! We butchered all those roosters except 3. And out of those 3, there was a mean one that the rest of the roosters were scared of. But anyway, good luck!
I am hatching some from my barred rock hens and Dominique rooster.
Rhode island red, barred rock, white leghorns, black sex link jersey giants, and I have 6 lavender orpingtons that I hope all hatch. See over done it but I got excited.
I agree you're gonna have too many chickens. One too many the best I can figure. Any way I can deal you out of one of those Lavender Orpingtons?

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