Hi,.I want White Medium - Jumbo Eggs,.. ??


Jun 22, 2018
Hello,.. Im in SW IOWA- Thanks for having me in the Group.
Im looking to carry no more than 6 Laying Hens. I love White Medium to Jumbo Eggs.
Not sure how many Eggs I will derive from this amount of Hens, or what type of Bird I need for this type of Eggs. I want enough Eggs for myself for baking and Cooking, and maybe offer to sell to a couple Neighbors, or Donate to a Food Pantry.
What is the Basic everyday Meal for these Birds and What is the Minimum sized coop I need for Happy Stress free Healthy good producing birds.?
All Answers will be appreciated. Please be kind.
Welcome to BYC!

6 white leg horns would give you a nice steady supply of large white eggs. Each would lay as much as 300 a year!

The feed really depends on what age you get them at. If you got them at point of lay they would need to be fed layer feed from your local feed store with oyster shell to make nice strong eggs.

They would need a 24 square foot coop with 2-3 nest boxes and 6 feet of roosting space. The run would need to be at least 60 square feet.
I'd suggest six leghorn hens. They will lay plenty!
They don't have to be white Leghorns, though he white ones may lay more.
Provide layer ration and water 24/7.
Have oyster shells or crushed up cooked egg shells and grit on the side.
Agree with @TheYLWFlock on coop. :welcome
x2 YLWFlock
And again, welcome.

NB: If you want large eggs, you'll have to feed a higher-protein feed and wait a bit--they start out laying small to medium and then the eggs get bigger.

Why white, specifically? (Just curious.)

EDT'd because cross-posted with Ameraucanas. I actually don't believe in providing layer feed 24/7. It tends to attract rats, around my place.

Sorry, Ameraucanas
x2 YLWFlock
And again, welcome.

NB: If you want large eggs, you'll have to feed a higher-protein feed and wait a bit--they start out laying small to medium and then the eggs get bigger.

Why white, specifically? (Just curious.)

EDT'd because cross-posted with Ameraucanas. I actually don't believe in providing layer feed 24/7. It tends to attract rats, around my place.

Sorry, Ameraucanas
Totally fine. I have a large, free range flock so they kick feed all over the place and have very large feeders anyways. Plus I have cats. It doesn't make a difference for rats for me if I don't feed 24/7 plus I have no choice with my huge tube feeders. And I have ducks. Don't even wanna talk about them.

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