Hi, I'm new to BYC, and I would like to know what kind of chickens these are.


7 Years
Sep 24, 2012

The brown/black small hens (pictures 1 and 6) have feathers on their feet, and someone suggested that the roosters have a rose comb, but i don't know. I think the orange one standing on the block in the second last picture is a rhode island red (a guess). Some of these must be mixes of some sort. I want to know, because these are my neighbor's chickens, and they are letting me hatch some eggs, and I'm curious. Help is much appreciated! :D
ok I dont think canada has the europe style of araucanas so they are likely mixes of some breed with a crest. what color egg do they lay?
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I've seen kind of pinkish- white eggs to light brown or white eggs in their nesting boxes so far. (I don't know which eggs belong to which hens, though.)
I am incubating a light- brown medium sized egg (only one) and it is fertile! :D I hope it hatches!
I don't know if americaunas lay pink eggs, but I've seen some in their nesting boxes, and som eof them look like americaunas, so maybe that's what they are? Maybe some are brahma bantams?
Um, I'm not going to go into specifics, but I live in Atlantic Canada. :3
We ask that not to stalk you but to at least know what country you're in, so we know what breeds we're dealing with. Folks post from England, or Iran, or the South Pacific and there are way different breeds depending on the different places. Just setting your mind at ease about the stalking

I'm going out on a limb and saying it's a fine barnyard mix flock. I wouldn't be suprised if there was silkie or polish somewhere back not too far.

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