Hi I'm new


Oct 3, 2016
Quebec, Canada
Hello I'm new here!
I have a flock of 1 Plymouth, 1 Brahma and her two chicks, one lavender Ameraucana and one red chick. I had a silky that turned out To be a roost. I'm here looking form clues and tips. I love my chicks and like feeding them fresh food. I'm also seeking to have more eggs because my red hen stopped laying a couple months back. And how to raise chicks as they are my first. Thanks
Welcome to Backyard chickens. The Learning Center (above) is the best place to start your chicken education. You may also want to join the "Canadians check-in-here," thread"

to see what is going on around you, and get advice on raising chickens in your climate.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! What a fab pic in your intro! Please do check out the links left for you above, I'm sure you will find them most helpful.
Wishing you the very best of luck for the future. Enjoy your time here on BYC and all the chicken chat :frow

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