Hi, my name is whatever my profile says.

Jul 1, 2017
Barnevelder lover!
Hi, I have a name, you know. I got that from my parents. My real name isn't here. But you can call me Saint_Marwenne_Chickens, or even SMC if you want. I have Australorps, and Naked-Necks, and Guiney Fowl, and Dorper Sheep, and Alpacas, and a Cat. I also have lots of other chickens which we got for free from a friend. They have bad genetics. I don't know what breed some of them are, they're all funny. In total I look after 41 chickens.

I have 10 Australorp pullets which are the pride and joy of the flock.

That's it I guess...
Welcome to BYC! Sounds like you have quite a flock going. Where in this great world are you located? I bet your kids like the animals. My grandkids love to feed them . I am in Virginia and they are in FL so we don't see them much. On BYC there is a thread for each state, so you might want to check into that for peeps in your area. Enjoy!
Hi, I have a name, you know. I got that from my parents. My real name isn't here. But you can call me Saint_Marwenne_Chickens, or even SMC if you want. I have Australorps, and Naked-Necks, and Guiney Fowl, and Dorper Sheep, and Alpacas, and a Cat. I also have lots of other chickens which we got for free from a friend. They have bad genetics. I don't know what breed some of them are, they're all funny. In total I look after 41 chickens.

I have 10 Australorp pullets which are the pride and joy of the flock.

That's it I guess...
DUDE you have sheep, alpaca, and Guinea Fowl too? Man, sounds fun. Also, I always wanted to visit Australia! I live in the area of a city in Florida that shares a name with a city in Australia, but you guys probably have the more legit one.
G'day and Welcome to Backyard chickens. BYC has a large, thriving Aussie community and a dandy thread "Australia, six states and one funny little island." in case you get homesick.
Hi, I have a name, you know. I got that from my parents. My real name isn't here. But you can call me Saint_Marwenne_Chickens, or even SMC if you want. I have Australorps, and Naked-Necks, and Guiney Fowl, and Dorper Sheep, and Alpacas, and a Cat. I also have lots of other chickens which we got for free from a friend. They have bad genetics. I don't know what breed some of them are, they're all funny. In total I look after 41 chickens.

I have 10 Australorp pullets which are the pride and joy of the flock.

That's it I guess...
I did have 4 Dorpers. 1 lambed today, so now we have 5!!!! :celebrate:woot:wee:wee:wee:wee:wee:wee
Also I have 38 chickens and 3 ducks lol. I always make that mistake.

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