Hi, new from Oregon


9 Years
Dec 25, 2010
Jefferson, OR
Hi, Everyone
I have a tiny 5-acre farm in Jefferson, OR. I have raised ducks for a long time - Indian runners for eggs, and muscovies for meat. I just got into chickens last year when my son developed an allergy to duck eggs. After a long research period, I decided to get Dorkings. I couldn't get the silver grey ones that I wanted, but found some colored dorking eggs on ebay. Due to an incubator that got too hot, I only got seven hatch out of 16 eggs, and they were all females. I would love to find a rooster for them. This year I will want to add to the flock, and may choose Delawares this time. I'm looking forward to finding some.

I also raise Dexter cattle and cashmere goats.

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Hi Denita,

welcome to backyard chickens!!! I also live in Jefferson, Oregon (at Brawley Farms if you know where that is)! I have a mixed flock of about 70 chickens, trying to do some culling and get down to several nice breeding flocks of specialty birds.........FBCM, Partridge Penendesencas, True Americaunas-blue and lavender, Welsummers, and a larger flock of good egg layers. My plan in the spring is to find some Delawares as well, I want to breed them to my New Hampshire Roo and make some red sexlinks to replace my hatchery rhode island reds and white leghorns. I found the name of a breeder in Lebanon, Oregon, Val Putnam, on the Delaware Poultry Club website. I have not contacted him yet, but maybe we could go in together and get some chicks or hatching eggs if he is still in business. PM me if you are at all interested.

Welcome again! There is a huge wealth of information here, enjoy............

Merry Christmas, Rosanna

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