Hi!! New to Chickens. Virginia. Easter Eggers? and Light Sussex.


7 Years
Jun 23, 2012
Crockett, VA

Like many people I have been learning from this site for weeks and weeks, but only today filled out the member info. Why did I wait? I do not know.

I started with four Ameracauna/Easter Eggers. I have learned on this site that when you buy Ameracaunas from a store they are often EEs so that's what I have been calling them since. I think I have three roos and one pullet. I will be posting pictures in the "help me sex my chickens" area later.

I put 12 Light Sussex eggs in the incubator yesterday. My hatching should be Friday, July, 13th. Hope I don't hatch Gremlins!! LOL!! Just watched that movie last weekend.

I picked Light Sussex because they are a dual purpose bird, larger than EEs, are easy going, and they are pretty. I did not realize they were not really common in the US.

I am in Crockett, VA. The Appalachian Mountains. If anyone wants my rooster EE'ers let me know. We cannot eat them because our children are too attached. They agreed that the next batch has to also be for food, but these first four are extra special. They know whomever gets them will probably eat them. That's the way it goes--I warned them months before we got chicks.

So nice to be here.

Here's one roo that needs a new home: Banana

Here's another roo that needs a home/cooking pot. Edward:
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Like many people I have been learning from this site for weeks and weeks, but only today filled out the member info. Why did I wait? I do not know.

I started with four Ameracauna/Easter Eggers. I have learned on this site that when you buy Ameracaunas from a store they are often EEs so that's what I have been calling them since. I think I have three roos and one pullet. I will be posting pictures in the "help me sex my chickens" area later.

I put 12 Light Sussex eggs in the incubator yesterday. My hatching should be Friday, July, 13th. Hope I don't hatch Gremlins!! LOL!! Just watched that movie last weekend.

I picked Light Sussex because they are a dual purpose bird, larger than EEs, are easy going, and they are pretty. I did not realize they were not really common in the US.

I am in Crockett, VA. The Appalachian Mountains. If anyone wants my rooster EE'ers let me know. We cannot eat them because our children are too attached. They agreed that the next batch has to also be for food, but these first four are extra special. They know whomever gets them will probably eat them. That's the way it goes--I warned them months before we got chicks.

So nice to be here.
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I spent a lot of time on this site before posting, and I still do!! Chickens are kind of addicting. I got two sexed EEs (my favorite) this spring and one is a roo (going to his new home tomorrow, the noisy guy)! According to the "chickenman" at the local feed store, EEs have the worst track record for sexing than any of the other hatchery birds that they get! Just our luck!

Good luck with the Light Sussex. Hoping for hens!

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