Hi! Say it ain’t so…

Hello and welcome to BYC, glad you joined! Im sorry you had such bad luck with your pullet/cockerel ratio. You could post an ad at your local feedstore to see if anyone is interested; to my knowledge all Tractor Supply Stores provide a community bulletin board, and many other feed stores do too. If this happened to me, I think my next chick purchase would be sexlinked chicks (red or black), or one of the many auto-sexing breeds to make sure I only got pullets the next go-round.
I have referred to this site many times over the years, finally a member. Yay!!!

After taking a break from having a small flock of backyard hens we decided this was the year to start up again. My sister and her girls wanted to raise the chicks and then we would take over once they were grown enough to be outside in our coop. She bought 7 baby chicks from a local guy on Fb marketplace. They were from an ISA Brown hen and RIR rooster. We thought we were going to be able to choose but he just gave her a pre-selected box of chicks. I wasn’t around them as babies much but now that we have had them for the past week or so I am convinced we have all cockerals or at least 6 of them! We cant have roosters in our neighborhood and have never had this happen before, but also have only bought from farm stores or full size hens.

Do I have all roos? Please, say it ain’t so. 🫣. They are roughly 7-8wks old. Any advice on what to do with young roosters?
Welcome to BYC!! I agree with SilverBirds’ first post
Hello :frow and welcome!
The only pullet/s I can see is the one (unless its two different ones in different photos) with some white though its feathers.
You could try putting an add up online, or in your feed store.
Or keep a bachelor flock of all males, but it can bet very noisy. And lastly, you could get them processed, or learn to your self. (but I understand if you don't want to!)

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