Hi there! Newbie here :)


Jun 13, 2016
I was very glad to find this forum. My name is Connie I live in Hampton Virginia. I am about to get my first pet chickens and I have been studying up like crazy to prepare. I have a lot of questions and It looks like I have come to the right place to get my answers. :)
Anyone else on the forum from the Hampton/Newport News area of Virginia?
I look forward to chatting with you all.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! If you'd like to meet other BYC-ers from your state, pop in here:


Enjoy the site!
Hi :welcome Connie

Glad you could join us here! How exciting for you to be staring out on your new chicken adventure :D
What breed/s are you starting with? You sure have come to the right place for all the learning. Be sure to ask all the questions you need to, everyone here to help you along the way.

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy your time here on BYC :frow
Thank you so much! We are going to get 2 Plymouth Rock ( Barred Rock) hens. I think they are so beautiful.
Welcome to BYC, congrats on taking that big step for getting your first chickens, I hope your flock will be healthy and happy under your care. This forum has a lot of info and people willing to help you if you need some advice or have questions.
Hello there Connie and welcome to BYC!

You have certainly come to the right place for all the fun and learning!

Definitely connect with your chicken neighbors in your state thread. Sumi has left you with the link.

And make yourself at home Connie. If you have any particular questions, feel free to ask.

So pull up a roost bar and welcome to our flock! :)
I would try to discourage it. I do know that cats carry something that is very harmful to chickens if the cats eat or drink from the chicken feeders or waterers. So there could be something like this with dogs as well. It's no worth the worry. So if you can, keep the chicken feed away from the dog. I am sure dogs all over the world are eating chicken feed however, LOL, but you might try to prevent it. :)

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