Hi! We're new to BYC!


My husband (Paul) and I (Amoa) are discussing raising chickens for eggs and pets. No roasters per my husband and our city.
We're in a county annex in the city.So we're not sure what our zoning ordinance is.
We hope it's legal for us to raise chickens where we live. Our city has 3 zones that allow chickens or other fowl at 40 feet from dwelling.
But since we're in a county annex in the middle of the city we're not sure what's allow and what's not. One neighbor has chickens. It's city ordinance across the street but county ordinance on our side of the street. Not sure where to look to figure out our zoning for animals in that situation.
We would like the ins and outs of chick to chicken raising. We were thinking of ordering chicks online from some places with good reviews or going to a farm or auction to buy them. We were thinking about 5 chickens or less. We have been researching chicken coups, brooding boxes, and chicken runs/free range wired pens.
My grandparents raised several dozen chickens and I had lots of fun gathering eggs and feeding them and holding chicks as a kid. I'd like to provide a similar experience for my kids and fresh eggs are a plus.
My husband's grandparents also raised several chickens when he was a kid.

It'll be nice to meet everyone on BYC!
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The best (NOT) way to find out if chickens are legal is to get some and within a week some neighbor will report you. You can count on that. Even if you are legal someone will complain - just because they can.

Some very weird people out there with nothing better to do than to bring misery to someone's else's door.

I don't know how to check zoning areas, but it is definitely a great idea to check if you can own chickens.

Chickens are great pets and stress relievers, but they will poop and make noise. The eggs are phenomenal and the experience is unforgettable.
Hi :welcome Paul and Amoa

Glad you could join the flock! You could check out the chicken laws section of the forum for help on of your allowed to keep chickens in your area. Her is the link ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/37/local-chicken-laws-amp-ordinances-and-how-to-change-them

Also dropping by your state thread in the where am I where are you section of the forum for other chicken keepers in your area who may be able to help you with questions ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/26/where-am-i-where-are-you

Wishing you the very best of luck in the future, I sure do hope you are able to get your chicken adventures started.

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Researching the codes/ordinances for your exact location is always a good idea. I've seen too many posts where people thought they could have chickens because a neighbor did, and they all end up losing them because no one checked for themselves. Or they try to sneak them in, then whine when they get caught.

If you can't find anything about chickens in your area here on the forum, you can also google "chicken ordinances ______________________, adding the name of your county, township, city or community in where I have the underline. It may take some wading through a lot of lingo, but you should find something that helps. You can also go to your county courthouse or town hall and just ask them where to locate any ordinances re poultry/chicken keeping. You can retain your anonymity, since most officials don't know or care who you are when you just go in to ask a general question. Um, don't try not disclosing your identity in a town the size of the one I live in, though - here with 600 people those in town hall not only know your name on sight, but ask about your kids and grandkids too!

Good luck!
Welcome to BYC . They are friendly , caring , and very resourceful . I am so glad I joined . You have any questions or concerns we are all here to help you out. : )
Welcome to the BYC flock. We are very glad you decided to join us.

I hope you are able to figure out if you can have chickens where you live. I was able to find ours by looking on our townships website. I hope you can do the same.

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