Hi Ya'll


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 21, 2013
South Oklahoma
I've been perusing the site for a couple of weeks now and gathering great information, thanks!

We are in the process of buying a few acres outside of town and plan to start with chickens. We won't come into possession of the property until Aug so not sure if we'll be able to get chickens at that time. We only get a few freezes down her in Southern Oklahoma so it might work... still looking into it and the possibility of even being able to procure adult hens.

We're a big family, almost 9 kids (#9 is due in Oct) I'm a midwife, he's a computer guy. We're crazy busy and not sure just exactly how we're going to make this work but it's important to us so it'll have to :)
Welcome to BYC! Glad you joined us!
Greetings from Kansas, keepitathome, and
! Great to have you aboard! Wow - you have a big family - you'll need lots of chickens!! BYC is here to answer your questions. Don't worry about the winter temps - lots of chicken keepers from every state in the union on BYC. Chickens are tough and handle cold better than heat. Best wishes!!
To connect with others from Oklahoma, who may have what your want in chickens, go to Where am I, where are you" thread. You will find your state thread and can post on that.
Hello from Oregon & welcome to BYC. Sounds like you have your hands full but adding chickens is still a good plan. You cant go wrong with farm fresh eggs for the family :)

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