
Hello all!

I am new to BYC but not new to raising chickens.

I am new to hatching and raising turkeys, so I am looking for some opinions.

I will be hatching some Narragansett Turkey eggs, has anyone had experience with this breed?

Thanks! and I am looking forward to being a part of the BYC community!

Hello and welcome to BYC!
Welcome to BYC. I have no knowledge of turkeys, other than they are delicious. Please check out "Other Backyard Poultry" forum above - and you will find turkeys threads. The people there should be able to help you out.
I'm glad you joined our community!

Good luck with your turkey hatch! I've never raised any before, but I've always loved the way Narragansetts look.
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

I haven't kept turkeys, but you may find people who have in the Turkeys section: Turkeys I'd also check out the Narragansett breed reviews, here:Narragansett

I hope the hatching goes well!

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