HIding in the coop?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 29, 2013
Northern michigan
I have 3 hens that hardly ever come out of the coop...I have 2 roos and 14 hens. One of my roos has started be bullied to stay in the coop as well.....The roos have always gotten along. I am confused as to the sudden change. Could it be that the head roo is making these ladies and his friend to scared to venture into the run? If so why now? I dont want to get rid of either roo but I dont think its fair to them either..any thoughts or comments please
If they're pretty young they might not yet be used to the cold yet... could be other factors though like predators..
how old are the hens and roosters, and how long have you had them? When they leave the coop are they in a run or free ranging? If in a run, how big is it?

I would suspect that one or both of the roosters are jumping the hens too much and they are avoiding one or both. THis means either you have a rooster problem, or more likely, not enough room for the hens to get away from the roosters. Not knowing your run size, you might need to make it bigger, or if you can't right now, provide some hiding spaces. Multiple feeders. Put some haybales or something in the run that provides a visual barrier. Avoid creating dead ends where a hen can get trapped, think obstacles they can get on top of, or hide behind.

It could also be that the dominent roo is spending so much time chasing the junior roo that there is constant commotion and the hens are avoiding that.

Sometimes roosters don't work in a flock - you have to figure out why you want a rooster and whether you can do without.

Shoo the hens out of the coop and spend some serious time observing what is happening. That should help you figure out the best solution (get rid of one or two roosters, enlarge the run, give one rooster some hens and a different run, etc.)
2 out of the 3 hens are a 1 1/2 old the othe is 8 months...one rooter is a year and the is around 7-9 months as well. The have a decent size run ( 12 ft by 10 feet) I do plan on making it bigger this spring, no free rage. They have dead tree branches and lots of places to run to and hide. I have shooed them out side and if i block the door they hide in a conner, the roos seem to leave them alone when I watch. The main roo does a really good job at keeping peace for the most part, they are both very nice. I have had all of them for close to 3 months I was thinking that it was just cause it was a new place but now that it has been so long im wondering... Maybe my main roo will either become dinner or a new home if I can find a solution :( I could split them up.....never thought of that.... i will have to see what i can come up with! Thanks
Could it be that the younger roo is just coming into his own and things haven't sorted out yet?
Good Luck!
Could it be that the younger roo is just coming into his own and things haven't sorted out yet?
Good Luck!

Oh it could totally be that.... But I'm noticing scratches on his comb... Poor guy! He's so pretty I don't want to get rid of him lol
He will make beautiful babies!
Quote: I hate to say it, but....120 sf is not that big for 16 chickens - if they are having problems getting along. I agree with you, after 3 months they should have settled in more.
I am assuming you've looked at the three that are hiding in the coop or corner - checked them closely for mites/lice? when you watch them, you see them getting food and water? what are they doing in the corner? wondering if they are ill. Or are they acting like healthy chickens, just trying to stay away from the others?
were they from separate flocks when you got them?

different breeds?
I hate to say it, but....120 sf is not that big for 16 chickens - if they are having problems getting along.   I agree with you, after 3 months they should have settled in more.  
I am assuming you've looked at the three that are hiding in the coop or corner - checked them closely for mites/lice?  when you watch them, you see them getting food and water?  what are they doing in the corner?  wondering if they are ill.   Or are they acting like healthy chickens, just trying to stay away from the others?
 were they from separate flocks when you got them?

different breeds?   

I know it's not enough room, I plan on making it bigger in the spring.. The snow came sooner then I thought lol
They act like normal hens, they all eat and drink.. They just roost.... I have checked every chicken I have for fleas/mites and bumble foot... They are all good :) two of them are from the same flock the third is a different one, two of them are RIR and a mix breed..
My plan is to add a kinda smaller area next door for my one roo and a few hens... Maybe the 3 that just chill...

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