High School Age People - What is a 'balanced diet' for a toddler?

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hunted and gathered
I think it's fair to say "not all parents are feeding their children a balanced diet". Hello childhood obesity! Just because these idiots fed their child oatmeal only and their toddler got scurrvy doesn't mean they are the only ones not feeding non-balanced diets. I'd say a GREAT precentage of moms today (all ages) are simply not feeding their children good meals. Everything is convience oriented, and although they are nice to have around they shouldn't be the childs diet. And sorry to say, but a lot of this is due to previous generation, ie my parents generation. My father fed me fast food breakfast, lunch and dinner for 5 years of my life! He didn't know how to cook, nor did he have time! My sister and brother still eat that way, because thats what they know. I on the other hand, had to change that.

Example: those gerber "tv dinners" they have. Has anyone looked at the sodium content of those? Holy COW! No wonder they can sit on the shelf and expire in 6 years!
But they make them seem like such a great things to moms, that people use them. Only time I used them was when my son was kinda in that "I can chew some things and not others" stage. When he would go to gpas to hang out for the day, I'd pack one of those things. Easy for my dad, and I knew my toddler wouldn't be given something to choke on.
I've seen those! I even thought about giving my daughter one until I read the back! We feed her what we eat...(although I do feed her green peas sometimes and I HATE them...)
I've seen those! I even thought about giving my daughter one until I read the back! We feed her what we eat...(although I do feed her green peas sometimes and I HATE them...)

Gerber TV Dinners=Nasty!!!! My daughter spit it out. I tried a bite and spit it out as well.....just nasty! I've seen Dog Food that's more appealing!
Good for you!
If you eat a good varied diet (and I noticed the garden-grown veggies later on in this thread
) and require your child to do likewise, you're doing the right thing.
Sounds like you're old enough for kids to me.
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I believe there are some that stupid,,and I will say stupid because there is no reason not to know what to feed kids,,,besides,,who eats oatmeal without milk?..

Those of us who are lactose intolerant and/or allergic.

there are plenty of soy and lactose free alternatives,,so I hear,,I dont use them because I lOVE milk..besides,, we where talking about the kid in the program..most people would have at least tried milk with kids
Just wondering, so was your dad an idiot too? Your brother and sister too cause they still eat that way?

No I don't think so I think you said it just like it was.....your dad did not know how to cook "uneducated in how to cook" and it was easier for a single male parent.

So why everyone you don't know or care about is an idiot....urghh? How close minded is that?
Just wondering, so was your dad an idiot too? Your brother and sister too cause they still eat that way?

No I don't think so I think you said it just like it was.....your dad did not know how to cook "uneducated in how to cook" and it was easier for a single male parent.

So why everyone you don't know or care about is an idiot....urghh? How close minded is that?

One word---DECAF!!!!
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