
you can pet them and talk to them just dont get attached you want to attached enough that they wont be scared of you it makes things easier on you and them. Try not to touch them 2-3 days after they are born espeacialy youngers kids and like 0-8yrs. old because they are very fragile in this time period and even adults try not to unless absoultly nessicery like if you was to help the hog deliver her pig then you can touch them . Some mothers are very defincive and aggressive even if you havent notice that they have acted like this before they had there first litter if the piglet squeals and sees that dosent have all her pigs and your leg is near her she can bite
How many feeder pigs can you finish in a 10x10 pen in a barn? If I wanted to raise 5 what size of pen or combination should I set up for? I have seen all sorts of diffrent square foot ratings.
A 10 x 10 is going to be tight for five hogs raised to finishing weight. They stick about five or more in pens at the hog farm I visited and the only reason that works is because they clean very, very often. I think in a home setting, the hygiene needed for this set up would be difficult to keep up.

I would think you could maybe raise two pigs in a 10x10 pen. Any more than that and stress or diseases are going to be a problem. Don't forget, pigs are very destructive when they are bored, and that size pen will be difficult to provide enough stimulation for a large number of pigs.

We had a single pig for a few years. He wasn't for eating but he was in a large goat pen outside and even though the pen was huge, he still managed to destroy every piece of land in it.
How many feeder pigs can you finish in a 10x10 pen in a barn? If I wanted to raise 5 what size of pen or combination should I set up for? I have seen all sorts of diffrent square foot ratings.

A 10 x 10 is going to be tight for five hogs raised to finishing weight. They stick about five or more in pens at the hog farm I visited and the only reason that works is because they clean very, very often. I think in a home setting, the hygiene needed for this set up would be difficult to keep up.

I would think you could maybe raise two pigs in a 10x10 pen. Any more than that and stress or diseases are going to be a problem. Don't forget, pigs are very destructive when they are bored, and that size pen will be difficult to provide enough stimulation for a large number of pigs.

We had a single pig for a few years. He wasn't for eating but he was in a large goat pen outside and even though the pen was huge, he still managed to destroy every piece of land in it.
yes i agree with what chickerdoodle13 said 10x10 wouldn't be the best ideal at the most you could fit about 2, 3 if you had adiqute ventalation but still not a good ideal and the fact of diseases and stress becuase of the crampness and my dad always said a happy pig is a healthy pig and it is scientificlly proven that if a pig is happy they will grow faster and if you are going to put them in a barn then consider that they will do a lot of rooting and diging which can be destructive you can have rings put in their nose to lessen the rooting but often the rings eventuly fall out and i havent seen a signifigant decrease in rooting

the first one is a runt she got some extra help she couldn't walk when she was born and now she is hey i got 400 views on this thread and i know one of you guys must have qestions or comments or advice!!

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