Home Grown Ginger


9 Years
Dec 10, 2010
I purchased a ginger root from the grocery store,planted it with soil from the yard and potting soil There is a spot near my door that got plenty of sunshine, so I put it there This is a very pretty plant and almost completely edible As it grows the leaves make a wonderful tea or can be cut and put in your favorite salad The root of course has many uses Perhaps it was the root i happened to buy but I found it to be very spicy and much more gingery I've only done this once but I am starting more plants to see if I can get one to blossom The

flowers are suppose to be very fragrant
I grow grocery store ginger as well. It smells fabulous when you crush the leaves with your fingers. Kinda lemony. They are very easy to grow. I got one to flower in a pot. The cones are green and the true flowers are little and white...not really showy but kinda cool. I have some out in the garden with my butterfly gingers as well. We cook a lot of asian food here so growing ginger is useful.
Is this likely to be an indoor plant up here in NEw ENgland, or can I grow it as an annual in the summer?

When I was living up North I was growing it as a potted plant.. I think with as cold as it gets up there you would either have to dig it up in the fall or consider it an annual since I believe the root would rot if it was left outside all winter.
DIg up in fall and replant root in spring? LIke a dalia?

If you don't keep it potted year round then yeah.. dig it up from the yard in the fall and repot it into barely damp soil. then put it some place cool but above freezing so the tops die back.. just water it maybe once a month to keep it from drying the root out.
In about february or so start watering it again and bring it back into a warmer room so it can start growing again
then it can go back outside after the danger of frost is over.

I kept mine potted when I lived up there so all I did was bring it and and stored it in an unheated room... then treated it as I just described above
Plant need a temp of at least 55 degrees Have mine in a pot and bring it in when it turns cold You can take pieces of the root and the plant will continue to grow Good luck
Never cooked them just sliced up a few leaves and added to salad Makes excellent tea also

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