homeade incubator worked, first time..!


6 Years
Aug 9, 2013
I made myself an incubator and just last night I hatched my first baby! I have a mama hen that hatched out three last week, so as it was pipping I gave it to her last night. She grabbed it and tucked it right under her, and it is now happily situated with it's siblings and mama.
I used a styrofoam cooler, a computer fan, and a reptitemp thermostat.




I made a little porthole that I plugged up with a Tupperware dish so I wouldn't have to open the lid and upset the temperature and humidity and stuff. That is how I turned and candled them. For humidity I just used a little cup with a paper towel and water in it.
I can't believe it worked! Yay
It's a perfect lil chick.
That's awesome. I have an old lab oven I'm converting to a homeade bator myself and this gives me another option in thermostat. Right now the lowest it'll go is like 120 deg. which unfortunately is a soft boiled egg anyday. Thanks for the info and congrats on the chick it looks good.
The reptitemp was perfect, kept it between 99-100 exactly, never once did it get too high or too low. Spent about twenty bucks at Kmart online.

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