Homemade Bator Fog Up!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Yeah! I got to watch my first egg out of this batch pop the shell off! A beautiful little speckled Sussex! Within 5 minutes, my window on my homemade bator completely fogged up and I have 7 or more others pipping! I can't SEE! It's killing me!! I pulled both plugs but that doesn't seem to be helping. Any ideas?
Oh gosh! I wish I knew what to tell you. If you had a magnetic aquarium cleaner, you could put that over the glass and just swipe it to get rid of the extra humidity. Of course you could run to wally world or your nearest pet shop to purchase one, but that would mean you would have to open the bator this late and from what I've read, that's not recommended.

Note to myself: run out and buy one of these stat!!! I'm on day 18.
Good idea if I ever do this again, but I'm too paranoid to open it up now. Any other ideas?
Also...you might only have to crack the bator very very slightly to get the bottom part of the magnetic cleaner in, so that actually could be an option if you were to wrap towels around the crack outside of where you'd need to work.
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Unfortunately, you need to let it be and have patience. That happens all the time. When the first egg zips, the humidity jumps. I don't worry about it and mine continue to hatch great. With mine, the area over the heat source normally stays clear and I can see in that part.
I can see thru one little spot where the water ran down...It's like looking thru a peephole. Got another speckled Sussex! Too stinking cute!

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