Homemade" dishwasher" Incubator anyone?


14 Years
Feb 17, 2009
North Georgia
My Dishwasher sorta died-(wanted one that actually cleaned anyway) and wonder if it could be retrofitted into an incubator.?Anybody done one? or Just insulate it and make it like a cabinet one ?
Oooooo, that does sound like a cool idea! I mean, it should already have a heating element in it, no? And is water tight......

I don't know anything about hommade incubators, but I like this idea! (And could use an excuse to beg my hubby to upgrade ours!)
I've been eying an old dishwasher that we have out in the barn. I'm sure there is a way to make it a great incubator, but I'm not creative enough to make it happen. If anybody takes the time to do so, I'd love directions!!
Wow no replies for how long? Yes this is a great idea I made a dishwasher into an incubator because they have heat, air circulation, shelving, air tight door and some insulation. The pictures will appear after my eggs hatch (if they do) on 5/29/11
1)I used a wafer thermastat wired to the heat element that I half covered with a scrap of metal (heat sink)
2)then moved the fan to the inside & wired it to stay on
3)added two egg turners one to each shelf
4) added a light to tell when the heat came on
5) put in a pan of water
6) tested and adjusted
7) put in eggs
The total cost not counting the egg turners was $34.95
also kept a Dishwasher out of the land fill

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