Homemade Duck Coops


6 Years
May 17, 2013
Kentucky, USA
First, sorry for posting so darn much, lol. I really don't mean to be so annoying. XD

I was just wanting to see some pictures of others' homemade coops. We're on a bit of a budget. I already have a pretty good idea on what I want the coop to look like. And I'll be using some dog houses in their coop and probably hay as bedding.

Soooo, yeah, let's see those awesome coops! :D
This is mine posted many times still in the construction phase lots left to do but liveable at this point(shingled roof needs to go on) (walls up the ramp so babies cant fall off) (lots of trim to paint and put up) lPen still needs ground covering and the dog house is coming out and the pool will be on a platform and a drain installed Also will be building a small platform at the bottom of the ramp to adjust the height and make it easier to step up. (our biggest issue Husband decided to raise it higher off ground last min and didnt factor in having such a long steep incline for the clumsy ducks. Right now we have to guide them a little bit but they are getting better
Think recycled materials! check local want ads for people getting rid of things, used lumber supply?

Mine is raised up on old industrial skids and then we did use new lumber for framing and walls BUT i snagged some old barn board for free to use as siding, bought antique windows for a decent cost, grabbed an old wood door for 5$! from a local sale.

Keys are predator proof! good ventilation and ease of cleaning. Don't worry about to many questions, that is what this site is for. Learning!
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I want to make some of the roof screened, but have a removable top so it can be shaded during the day. The only predators I think we'll have to worry about are the flying ones, the slithery ones, and the nighttime predators. The bigger ones, like coyotes and bobcats, don't come in our backyard because of Lobo(my dog). The bobcats don't really go in anyone's yard, though. The coyotes sometimes do, but I really doubt they'll get brave enough to come in our backyard, even with, excuse the pun, sitting ducks.

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