Homemade Incubator Find

In the small unit shown I am using a 25 watt light bulb on a dimmer. In the larger one I will use two 25 watt bulbs. One on each side. I plan to get started this weekend. I have been busy with babies and cleaning coops during this nice weather.
I just candled, I have 8 out of 14 that I can tell are fertile with movement! Two of those were added today. Also, two yesterday and 2 Sunday. I have a very large roo and he does the job. I only have 5 hens that are laying. Two leghorns, (white eggs), two americana, (green eggs), and one black orp, I think,(brown eggs). I can't hardly see in the green ones, but I can see a shadow move. I have like 4 due to hatch out Sunday. I am counting down the days. Put the chicks outside today and the brooder is all clean and ready for the hatchlings.
I will take pictures, I am sure.
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Hi How have you attached your light in the incubator and where in the box have you put it, is it best to put it in the top or on one of the sides.
Love the ideas of the home made incubators!!

What else do peole use? I want to hatch my own in a few weeks maybe, but have never done it before and it looks terribley dawnting!!!

Would you recomend a first timer, buying a proper incubator or making one?
How succesfull is haching eggs?
How was the first time you hatched go?

Would love to give it ago how fasinating it must be and what proud mummies and daddies you all are!!!

The way I did this incubator was to cut a hole about 1 inch from the top of the box right in the middle using the wider side as the front and back. I had a light socket that was used to light a stained glass village. It is just a scocket on a cord with an on/off toggle positioned on the cord. These are available at hobby shops. I stuck the socket in the hole and attached the bulb once it was mounted. I made a wire rack to hold the eggs off the floor and I use a plastic rubbermaid container on the bottom for water. The light cord is plugged into the dimmer which can be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot in the lighting dept. The dimmer has a slide on it and you adjust the temperature by using the slide. In my unit I used only about 1/2 of the full power of the bulb. Because the foam is so thick it hold temp very well.

I poked holes along the sides about 1 inch from the bottom and along the top as well for ventilation. I cut a square out for a window and replaced it with a plastic picture frame. It does fog up easily. I may use plexiglass with the new one. I fastened the window with duck tape and that is all there is to it. I have hatched quail and started chicks that I finished in the Top Hatch I have as it has a turner. I have used it for a hatcher several times as well. It holds humidity better than the Top Hatch and eggs don't need to be turned during the last three days. The only draw back to my little unit is that it is pretty small 6-8 chicks max. That is why I want to do the bigger one.
Thanks for all the info on the incubator. I'm heading to the hardware store today.
Will let you know how it goes.
JimnJay......great picks and info. My mother has several...and I mean SEVERAL....of those styrofoam containers. She gets her steaks from Omaha steaks in them. She wanted me to take them all...she wants to get rid of them...prolly 8 or 10 of them. I am setting one up now....will let it set for a few days, see if I can controll the temp, and humidity. Thanks again!!
Hi I got all the things and set my incubator up. The dimmer switch alone was $100 so I didn't get it. The temperature is holding at 45 so I have but a few more ventilation holes. I have just bought 12 mixed breed eggs. So if all goes well I will have my chicks in 3 weeks. What a long three weeks that will be!!

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