Homemade Incubator; hope it works!

I may have an extra one laying around from when we were dealing with all of the hurricanes in florida. If your interested I will look around when I get home from work and I would be willing to ship it to you if you just cover the shipping cost. I think the ones I have are 300w but I am not positive. It may not look pretty anymore but they should still work. They have just been collecting dust in the garage for the last 4-5 years. I looked on the USPS site and the shipping estimator said shipping would be about $15.
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@ jsvand5 : what method is available to pay the shipping cost? is that COD or I've to transfer it? thank you.

@ alex kwong : wow, nice to know there are another Indonesian nationality in BYC that also suffer power outages

ehm, about the PVC, so the PVC is use to hold hot air that come out from the kerosene lamp, isn't it?
could it safe from being melted? cause I think you know quality of goods produced in our country.

I don't think that I'm going to buy made in china generator, cause i've so much bad experience with that, oh, yes but here that generator worth more than 1 juta rupiah, maybe in batam you could get better salary but in medan, worse you can, only 1,2 juta for salesman even supir angkot could have 3 juta in their monthly income.
i just wandering, batam also suffer from PLN? what an embarrassing when your Singaporean neighbor see batam get dark in the evening, isn't it? since i have no foreign over here (medan) i dunt have to shy cause it's a common to get dark in indonesia.
btw, kwong is marga? ya kan?
Hello Mulia,
I'm actually from Hong Kong. But working in Singapore & Batam for quite some time.
The pipe across the box is let the hot air transfer into the box during it "pass through" the pipe. So, the other side of the pipe have to be open, if not it will be overheat. And just after the first turn have to make a small hole for adjust excess hot air come out for maintain the right temperature. This design selling in shop are using metal pipe. But for DIY we can use PVC pipe and here we can buy Singapore made PVC pipe. The connection between the lamp and PVC pipe have to add a metal can or pipe due to the heat source to close. Its still possible to melte if your fire started too big. So have to be careful. If you have the right tools or someone can weld the metal pipe for you. I suggest use the metal pipe.

For the power generator. For this price range, I think most we can found are made in China with some Indonesian brand (actual just a sticker). coz I had been look around in other city too for compare price,... Jawa, Jakarta... . Even in Ace Hardware also selling China made generator and goods. For well know brand, They only sell big model. You have to look around and check with you friends to see which model are more commonly used in your area. Usually that model should be have cheaper/ready stock spare parts and easy to repaired. For my case, is due to overuse during the first 1-2 weeks from the workers.

Yes, batam also suffer from PLN. that because the gas contract between gas company and Singapore. If the gas is not enough they will supply to Singapore first. Due to price and term in contract. So embarrassing, that why so many investors, factories moved out.

ups, at least we can have little "likeness" you have kwong's and I have yang's, do you read it?

yap, I've make it, but, after I observed it for 2 hours, the temp even get lower to 35 deg, so I decided to get back to my old design. of course you are, I will effort to buy one if I have sufficient funds and also could find a "rare needed to be repaired one" since I hate to always go to shop.
oh, i see, that's contract may be for batam power company, in medan, we got power failure cause PLN didn't have enough power/capacity to fulfill people need of electricity, just for information (if you didn't know) there's no province in Indonesia you can find power for 24 hours (even in jakarta), except those minister's home,governor's home, president's home. government NEVER feel suffer of their people. btw, this is the uniquely indonesia, you will never find country in asia like indonesia, even (if I'm not wrong) in 2004,2005 and 2006, power failure in indonesia did have a pattern, "3 times a day, 4 hours per failure", we called it "medicine power failure" cause it almost same with prescription in drinking medicine (3 times a day).
I never fail to be awed by the power of the Internet. I am amazed and awed at getting to listen to mulia & Alex talk about the unique challenges of incubating in a country all the way around the world. Before the Age of Internet, that is insight I would never have had a chance to learn.

I got my nickname (curiositycat) because I am wildly curious about everything in the world, most of all, I love learning what people in other cultures are doing and what life is like for them on a daily basis. This is awesome. Thank you for choosing this forum to have your discussion, mulia and Alex!

@ imcuriositycat : thank you for those time to keep watching on our "debate"
yap, I also amazed by the power of internet, that's why I'm taking study in Information Technology cause I love all about technology, especially computer. I also love to know what's really happen in your country and the other BYC er. but, i haven't hear people in BYC er talking about this, maybe i just haven't find it since I'm just joined about a week. but i really learn lots in BYC, from BYC I just know you all called it "coop" that object used to keep chicken. "tractor" those thing you have wheel on it. if not, i just thinking coop is part of coop de tat, means falling power of government, tractor just a tool to use in farming. i learned about breed, RIR although i just hear the name, it sound interesting, maybe someone would like to share me any chicken since I only have 1 kind in my home
BYC teach me a lot, I'm planning to build a coop after learn its design from BYC, i got so much knowledge of hatching even my eggs haven't hatch from other BYC er talk. I learn so much from you too that's why I really want to say thank you for you too and BYC for giving me knowledge and sharing information free of charge. also, i'm sorry if can't support BYC by donating or buying its stuff cause US$ is so "expensive" when you sell it in here, that's why all american/ country use US$ to trade with us cost so high in price that we can touch those goods, except rich man in here.
Thanks, mulia. I'm glad the exchange helps you too.

And, don't worry about donating or buying--a whole lot of us on here don't do it either, even though we live here.
It's a completely optional thing. Of course, I'm not the folks running the site, but I think they probably feel that way too.

And anyway, you *are* contributing to the site just by being here and letting us all share your extraordinary experience. Thank you.
Hiya all, just a quick update. I swapped the bulb out for a 40watt bulb, and added a thermostat. Temps are holding steady at 100, and I have a duck egg in there now.

What kinda duck?

Don't you think you should add a few more? If that duck egg hatches, it's going to be a LONELY duck that will probably grow up believing it's a CHICKEN!

Probably NEVER learn to swim!


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