Homemade incubator temperature question.


8 Years
Jun 20, 2011
This is my first attempt, I have built my own styrofoam incubator using a water heater thermostat, computer fan and 40 watt light bulb. I would like to try some free chicken eggs (bantam, rhode island reds, silkies) that I got but was wondering if anyone can tell me if their temps rise and lower when light shuts off and on or does it stay a steady temp with no fluctuations. For example I kept record: light shuts off at 102. then turns back on at 95, This was using a stick thermometer. Is it ok to vary that much? Or should I higher or lower it or leave it where it's at?
Way too much variation. I am using a hot water thermostat as well with holes drilled in it and once adjusted and stable in the past 2 weeks it has had only 1 degree variation from 99-100. The light bulb has to be close to the metal side of the thermostat less than 1.5 inches.
OK. I tried moving it closer but had same results It is only maybe 2" away from it if that. Then I added a metal behind it because I read somewhere it would cool and heat faster, still same. So now I am trying the heatsink (jar with water). I will see if that will work. My stick thermometer range more than my digital therm/hygrometer. But I thought stick one would be more accurate.
I have some hatching now that are in an incubator I made. The temp got as high as 110 twice, and to a low of 85 once. Each time was less than 30 min. Otherwise the temp varied between 95-103. One chick hatched Friday, and there are 12 more eggs to go. I heard some cheeping in the inc. a min. ago, but haven't seen any more pips yet.

With one hatching so far, that tells me some can survive with slightly extreme temps for a short period of time..

Did you drill the holes in the thermostat? While mine is a cabinet incubator the install looks identical to Gobinfvr. The thermostat needs to be close as it reads the radiant heat not the ambient temperature inside the box.
the temp of the air is not the same as the inner temp of the egg, which is what really matters and doesn't fluctuate much at all. I put the outside temp probe in the middle of a water worm(kids toy) or you can use zip lock bag with water folded in half with the probe in the middle, make sure water is on top and bottom of the probe place in a small plastic container, I always double bag too.
Here is how my set up is. I had the bulb tilted toward the thermostat and it was right in front of it but didn't help so I put it back straight. I followed one I saw on the homemade incubator page.
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WillsC: No I didn't drill holes in thermostat. Where do you drill them at? And you turn it around so dial is facing styrofoam and back towards light, how do you adjust temp with it turned backward?

i would put the water heater thermostat on the back wall in line with the light bulb. The wafer side has to be facing the light bulb and be within 1 1/2". This type of thermostat works off of radiant heat not ambient heat.
You will then have to drill another hole thru the wall of the cooler which is lined up with the adjustment screw and you use a long screw driver thru the hole to adjust temperature.

Below is a link to a web site to show you how to drill the extra holes in the thermostat.


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