Homework Project - Egg Laying Related

I've been tracking their laying for three months now. How much of a sample do you want?

Number of hens between 26 weeks and 4 years (don't count any that are broody), how many eggs are laid each day. I started on Jan 1st., but you can start any time. And I need to know what city you live in so I can calculate the daylight time. I'll be collecting data for about 10 weeks.

i have 4 hens 1 male
2 hens are buffs and 2 are warrens

i get 2 eggs a day both eggs are fromthe warrens and are both new layers where as the buffs are over 2 years i think this year.

they are ina 6*4shed with a window.

they get let out to the run area at around 7.30/8.00 am in the morning and go bed when they want usually as soon as dusk starts .

i live in the uk, cheshire warrington if you need any info just pm and ill help you

all the best
I'm actually having a lot of fun now charting my girl's egg laying
and I will definitely keep it up past the 10 weeks. I added additional info to mine such as high and low temperatures, just for funzies. Will email you the spreadsheet of mine at the end of 10 weeks! It seems like the data will prove very enlightening (hah, was that a accidental pun?).

My girls have a pair of big windows in their coop, so they have access to the natural light as soon as the sun rises. So no delay of sunlight here!

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