Hoooray for Fall !!! my favorite time of year !!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 30, 2012
Killingly CT
So with all its glory Fall is finally here goodbye hot sticky days ( and good riddins) and Hello to cool crisp air painted leaves and the smells of pumpkin and apple pies !!! Sorry for all the summer lovers.. but I'm a fall girl .. We a the Poop N Roost wanted to wish every one A very Happy Fall season .. We had a terrible September but things are doing much better all the flock is well and healthy .. I was able to snap a few shots today of some my feathered family doing what they do best "being chickens" I wish you all good health and Happiness .... Love The Poop N Roost
I love fall, but it comes with a certain sadness - winter is far from my favorite time of year.
did all my fall decorating already because in Oct. we do a huge Halloween display and if I put up the fall decorations too late it feels like I have to just take them right back down again ...
So now I have to start thinking about new things for the Halloween display lol I feel like I live retail ...always a season ahead
My, Gavin is such a handsome fellow!

I love Fall too, but I am not such a fan of the season that comes after! I am really looking forward to Halloween.
I have to admit I am not a huge fan of winter either .... I have no idea how the chickens are going to fair over the season because Im a new mother hen ... I mostly worry about the bitter cold we have here in New England ... Ive been constantly reminded that they are only chickens lol.... I know to most people they are but being a huge animal lover I find it terribly hard to place them in a live stock sense of mind when I have raised them from day one ... Actually for just about 4 months they were raised right in my house in the den I had set up a make shift pen for them I was constantly in there holding them and watching them ..They are so much more fun to watch then a bunch of fish in a tank
So it was very easy to become emotionally attached ..

Gavin hmmmmmmmmmm what can I say about Gav ..... well he is the typical boy in the bunch always a bully and always showing off very handsome but a handful ..I do however believe he would protect his flock to the death .. He seems very protective ..When I go to put them in at night until I gather the last chicken he will squawk and squawk until they are all safe in their pen then start crowing proudly when I get them all in .. I love them all they have brought so much joy to my life Im so blessed they are still here and healthy after a few close calls this past month ...

I used to know an egg farmer and I honestly never paid it much mind on how we got our eggs..... until one day I visited his farm and saw all the chickens tightly packed in tiny cages by the thousands .....never able to stretch their little wings or legs... they were given food and water by a belt system... they were never let out and just laid eggs until they died..... I had to walk through the coop one day it felt like forever to get from one end to the other they were in rows on both sides of me like a tunnel of chickens and they just looked so horribly sad
I will never forget that .. So I think of my little flock as a rescue mission to give a pretty good life to a few feathered friends .....
Anyway thanks for writing I would love to see pics of some of your feathered family sometime ......................... hugs....The Poop N Roost
Even though it's been 106 degrees here just a couple of days ago (I live in the desert) and though it promises to be that again early next week, I just love knowing that winter is soon coming. After a long, hot summer, feeling even the slightest temporary change in the air makes me smile knowing that winter is coming soon. I felt it the other morning at sunrise.

It's already been cold up north where our family has recently finished haying 2000 acres at the family ranch and is just waiting for temps to come down a bit here before they come home. Summers there are hot like here but winters can be 40 below zero. I look forward to our winters here mild as they are, and being able to open up the drapes to let the sun shine in all day! Fall is good when it finally arrives here.
But the passing of monsoon is really missed.

Of course, 3 months from now, I'll be sorely missing summer! LOL
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