Hoosier Heritage


Jul 5, 2015
Hi everyone! My name is Jessie and me and my fiancé Kody just finished up our new coop and I thought Id join the community finally since I visit here so often. So a quick little info on everything, we had a old 30+ yr old shed on the property that we weren't using. After begging my fiancé to not tare it down I was able to convince him to turn it into a chicken coop. After a lot of hard work on both our parts I think it turned out pretty nice
We still plan on doing some final touches. Please ignore temporary branches lol we were still working on it in the picture

It's 64sq ft and 16 ft tall inside, 6 nesting boxes and with a 100 sq ft run outside. We currently have a little starter flock we picked up at the local feed store that consist of 1 silver laced Wyandotte, 3 golden lace Wyandotte, 1 ameraucana, 1 bronze turkey hen and 1 guinea .

Non chicken related we also have 1 Juliana Pig (Penelope), 1 chocolate lab (Sadie) and 1 blue Great Dane (Chloe).

Growing up I spent a lot of my childhood at my grandparents. They had a huge garden, chickens, ducks, cows and horses. They always put us to work helping sow and harvest the garden, canning the produce, taking care of the animals, etc. My grandparents lived a lot off the land and all meals were homemade and made from scratch. It made such a positive impact on my childhood I wanted to carry on the tradition with my child and future husband. I know there are a lot of new fancy gadgets out now for raising chickens and growing a garden but they say if it ain't broke.... don't fix it. So I'm going to attempt to follow in my grandparents steps as closely as possible.
Wish me luck!

Jesse Lee
Very nice to meet you Jessie Lee. What a beautiful coop ?
You've done a great job. Looks like a wonderful place to be a chicken. Love your dogs, and the little spotted pig.
Welcome to BYC, Jessie! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I am just in love with those pictures!! Your dogs, pig and chickens are just too cute! LOVE the one with the dog sniffing the chick. Looks like your dogs are mellow and not big on chasing chickens. That's good because dogs are natural chicken predators.

I'm glad you decided to make an account! We are so happy to have you!
Hey so I would like any advise anyone wants to put in here.
Since we are just starting our flock and don't have any mature hens, I have to use incubators. Growing up we just always used broody hens. I have the Brinsea mini advance (all digital, auto turning) and the other is the Hova-Bator 1602N (still air, manual turning); I've had them for 2 weeks now and I've been running them continuously for a week now so I could tinker with the settings and get stable temps. Any personal experiences with either model or just general suggestions? Thank you!
Thank you so much Mountain Peeps! Chloe my dane is the one sniffing the new chick today and is thankfully not prey driven.

Awwww how adorable!! Chloe looks like quite the character!

Hey so I would like any advise anyone wants to put in here.
Since we are just starting our flock and don't have any mature hens, I have to use incubators. Growing up we just always used broody hens. I have the Brinsea mini advance (all digital, auto turning) and the other is the Hova-Bator 1602N (still air, manual turning); I've had them for 2 weeks now and I've been running them continuously for a week now so I could tinker with the settings and get stable temps. Any personal experiences with either model or just general suggestions? Thank you!

I don't know much about incubating. I would check out the links NorthFLChick has left for you.

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