Hope this doesn't cause me any trouble

I would suggest something that I never suggest to anyone. Lie.
"I got rid of most of them and only have only a few and they're my pets" Then change the subject.
If she can't see into your yard she won't know the difference. She doesn't need a long-winded explanation about what was hatched or what you're going to find homes for. It's none of her business. Period.
You are totally right, next time, a 'lil white lie will be heading her way!

I would suggest something that I never suggest to anyone. Lie.
"I got rid of most of them and only have only a few and they're my pets" Then change the subject.
If she can't see into your yard she won't know the difference. She doesn't need a long-winded explanation about what was hatched or what you're going to find homes for. It's none of her business. Period.
Funny thing is I have dropped off eggs at her house and my kids had a little sale of iced tea last year and did sell her a few. Then she started calling me and ringing the doorbell for more. The last eggs she got were free from us as I know we are not supposed to be selling eggs and didn't want to get into trouble or give her any excuse to call the town. It's been quite awhile since she's gotten any since almost of my hens for one reason or another are not currently laying very well.

And you know, when people are the way she is, I guess I don't feel very much like giving her anything, let alone the eggs that I work very hard for.
Get 2 baby chicks and let her hold em just once. Bet she will be a fool for a baby chick. Next thing you know she will have to have babies of her own.
get a meat bird and prepare him for freezer camp in your front yard ~ as your doing it tell the bird your sorry it had to end this way, but you have such nosy crabby neighbors.
Maybe you could offer eggs in TRADE for things? Maybe not with this neighbor, but with others... also, keep a good tractor in mind if something comes of your chickens not being enclosed... at least that way you'd be able to allow them to roam within the yard in increments.

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