(Hopeful) First Time In The Show Ring....Dying Of Confusion!!


8 Years
May 31, 2011
Hey all, I really want to enter a couple of my boys in the Bolton Fair this year, but the entry form is freaking me out! Maybe some of you seasoned entrants could help me a bit? I just have a few questions...

1. How do I get state leg bands? (Massachusetts)

2. How do I get my birds tested for Avian Influenza and Pullorum Typhoid?

3. How am I supposed to get "Proof of Ownership" when I didn't buy these 2 particular birds?

4. I don't know of any poultry veterinarians around here, so I don't know how to go about obtaining a "health certificate"....the same goes for any kind of registration, I'm not a member of the ABA or anything like that...

I'm figuring most of my answers will confirm that I really can't enter the show, but I'd like to try....
This is the link to the Bolton Fair's page, all the requirements I've questioned are under the "Exhibitors" tab in the "Livestock Entry pdf"
---> http://www.boltonfair.org/exhibitors.html

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me!
can't anyone please help me???
Call your county extension office with your questions. The legbands probably come with NPIP testing. Also ask on hte Massachusetts thread in the Where Am I? Where Are You? section
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I'm probably going to just give up on this, it's way too complicated....and besides, the entries close soon and I'm pretty sure it'll take more than a few days (or weeks) for the government to come test my flock....maybe someday I'll be more apt to bend over backwards to make this work
well for now my babies will just have to be my lawn ornaments/buddies. Thanks for your answer though.
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I'm probably going to just give up on this, it's way too complicated....and besides, the entries close soon and I'm pretty sure it'll take more than a few days (or weeks) for the government to come test my flock....maybe someday I'll be more apt to bend over backwards to make this work
well for now my babies will just have to be my lawn ornaments/buddies. Thanks for your answer though.

It's not too late. You can send in your entry form, then as long as you get your test done before the show you will be fine. The rules can be a little intimidating, but really they are simple.

Check the listing for your state on this list. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/animal_dis_spec/poultry/downloads/osa-npip.pdf

Call or email them. Tell them you are showing your bird at the fair, and that you'd like to set up an appointment before the show. They will get your address and come to do the test. They will put the metal band on the bird and give you the paperwork to take to the show. As far as proof of ownership and health certificate, the pullorum test result form that provides proof of testing will have your name and address and the variety of bird. I would say that would be sufficient, but the state tester can let you know for sure. No APA show that I know of asks for proof of ownership. You shouldn't show someones else's bird, but at the end of the day there is no way to track ownership, in this case that would be more for the large animals, in my opinion.

When you get the the show, give your paperwork to the secretary. They will give you your coop number and you will find your cage and put the bird in. The whole process is not as complicated as it seems. Once you make that call, you'll be on your way.
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I would like to see someone answer these questions, too. Or is the answer to always call the extension office?
Most of the people on Backyard chickens are from other states, and the requirements differ by state and by the club putting on the show. Your county extension office can direct you to YOUR state's requirements, and possibly those of the poultry club as well. The show secretary or superintendent can answer the questions that are show specific, and probably those that are state specific as well. None of the requirements you list are requirements for most of the western states.

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