hops plants poisonous to chooks?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 28, 2008
My little flock of chooks are in need of some shade and I am considering planting a hops plant to vine up their pen fence. I just read today that hops are poisonous to dogs, etc., and that all parts of the plant other than the hops themselves are poisonous (to just humans or all animals I wasn't clear on). I am concerned that my hens could get at the leaves, etc., and eat them. Knowledge and advice please? Thanks!
I'm wondering about this too. I'm a homebrewer who had hop plants at our last house, but we moved last October and I haven't planted any hops at the new home yet. We didn't have any pets at the old house so it wasn't a concern, but now with free ranging chickens I have to give it a second thought.

Are you a homebrewer too, or maybe into herbal remedies? Hop tea is an awesome natural sedative.
bumping this up; thought for sure I'd get an answer

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