Horizontal watering nipples


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2016
Wichita, Kansas
Just purchased horizontal nipples and installed in buckets. My question is do I have to train my chickens to use them or will they figure it out themselves. Only worried cause it’s 100 degrees out. Thanks
Yes, well, chickens aren’t known for their smartness. Some can figure it out eventually, but since it’s so hot outside, I recommend training them just in case. :)
Actually, you gave me an idea to look into horizontal nipples.
Just purchased horizontal nipples and installed in buckets. My question is do I have to train my chickens to use them or will they figure it out themselves. Only worried cause it’s 100 degrees out. Thanks
Keep both water buckets in the coop for now. When you see them using the nipples remove the old style.
The chicks go right to them as I change them to a larger brooder. However I put the water bottle in with them that they are used to till I know they are using the nipples.

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