Horribly deformed chick-Did I cause this?

waibel zoo

10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Sandy, UT
This chick was peeping in shell for about 24 hours. Then stopped. I took it out and listened. I tapped on the shell and heard nothing. Dang it. I pipped it gently, the air sack was pipped but was moist. The chick was absolutely crammed in there. No way it could hae broken out. I am glad it did not hatch, it could not, becuase I would have had to kill it. It has horrible scissor beak, and is missing an eye. Did I cause this? I never saw a temp spike. The humidity was 40-45% for 18 days. Then I moved it to the hatcher that is forced air with 65% humidity. I calibrated the thermometers and the hygrometers before Istarted. I had another egg in with it that hatched Wednesday, no problem. Pics in a few.
Side with eye

No eye. The dark is feathers.



I asume you are talking about the cross bill. Unfortunately this happens especially with incubators and even under broodies. It's nothing you did or didn't do it just happens.
And the lack of 2 eyes. It has one on the left side when looking at it. THe right side has nothing. This is a polish so it has a vaulted skull that is almost leaning to the side with no eye. I am guessing it did not hatch becuase the beaks are so crossed. Like I said. I am glad though. It would have been hard to cull it. I just want to know if this is something I did.
What really bites is this was the only chick, of this breed, from a dozen, that developed. I have nothing for my $42.50.
I fell your pain. I bought 36 eggs and hatched one and it died. I paid about $70 for nothing. Shipped eggs can be a nightmare. I will say that eggs that were packaged well did hatch good. Everybody that ships eggs needs to lean from dipsy doodle. Her methods definately work.

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