*horror music* Duck Pond Cleaning...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
I have one duck. In one day, this duck turns beautiful clean water to dark green swamp water.

Since I am not strong enough to pick it up, I have to get it all out by by stepping on the edge. That is swamp water going over on my foot. Not fun, and wasting water everyday.

Is the only way to clean a wading pond dumping it? Is there some kind of filter my dad can build or something? I dont mind changing the water, just not a DAILY thing.

My dad said if I figured something out, I could get a 2nd duck. I WANT a 2nd duck.
I'm sure my duck would like a friend too, but shes been doing fine with the chickens....

Any ideas???
they have a post here on byc that has ways to build a homemade filter. when i find the shortcut Ill post it
There is another simple way to do this for lazy and unambitious people like me. I call it the two hose method, because it just takes two hoses.
You also have to have a place for the water to drain that is at a lower level than the pool. Run the first hose from the spiget to the pool, attach the second hose to it and have the end of that hose placed at the lower level where you want the water to go. Turn on the water until water is coming out the end of the second hose, and turn it off. Immediately separate the two hoses and quickly put the end of the second hose in the pool. This creates a suction that will pull the water out. You will probably need to hold the hose down with a rock to help hold it in a postion to get the most water.
You can even buy a siphon starter at home depot for 3 bucks...this way you can direct the hose and use the water to water your garden...some people suggest only using it for things you won't eat, but I'd think it'd be like compost and the dirt will filter it...i dunno...
Brass, my pond if 500 gallons and I have 6 ducks. My skippy filter is a large plastic plant container.

(on the left)

I have drained it to clean out the sediment twice since I set it up late Winter. I have had 2 algae blooms which I solved with a partial water change. Sometimes the pump gets some feather and gunk in it and I do need to add water every couple of days due to evaporation, but it has been relatively low maintenance.

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