Hospital to ban odor of smoke on workers' clothes.

I wonder if the ban includes E-cigarette?
Well, considering the e-cig does not "smoke" but is water vapor, I don't think it would be part of the ban. I've recently switched to e-cigs and my clothes, and hair no longer smell like smoke!
There are also none of the carcinogens associated with cigarettes. Just liquid nicotine and an atomizer.

They come in a ton of flavors and I haven't had a real cigarette in over a week!!!

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no one is saying the employees can't smoke anyway!!

I find it odd that people are arguing against the policy, saying that if you can't reek like smoke then you can't smoke at all. The policy for not smoking on hospital property has been around for years. Actually, it's state law here that if there are employees under a certain age, NO business can allow employee smoking on the property.

Change clothes. Wear a cap or similar to keep the smoke out of your hair. Wear a light smock when you go out on breaks.

The rule doesn't say they are going to get out microsensors and check for minute traces of odor. They are wanting to stop people from coming to work with enough smoke on them to affect someone's health.

Yes, perfumes and colognes can cause a lot of issues to people who are sensitive. Smoke, however, is dangerous to even those who aren't sensitive, even if it is 3rd hand smoke. The cancer-causing chemicals are still there and being inhaled by the patients. Not to mention, most hospitals have had a "no scent" rule for a long time.
Hey, they signed a 2,000 page healthcare bill into law, without ever letting anyone know what was in it....We are already recinding heavy handed rules, which are making everyone's lives miserable. It's very possible.
Not going to read 4+ pages of responses.

I got to the Dr office weekly for allergy shots. Monday morning bright and early, I walk into the waiting room and I am nearly knocked down by the odor of a dirty ashtray. The smell permeated the entire area. I siogned in and tucked myself into a corner. I scan the crowd trying to figure out who the smoker was. I realise it's the guy with the large bandage on his nose, I overhear him telling the guy next to him that he had a cancer on his nose. The pack of cigarettes is sticking up out of the top pocket on his bib overalls. He gets up and barely makes it to the door.

Yes! The odor on his clothing and person effected me. The 10 - 15 minutes I was in that room, were shear he!!. By the time it was over I was having trouble breathing.

Also, I would like to ban crazy noxious smellero perfume, ya'll know the kind.
Well, considering the e-cig does not "smoke" but is water vapor, I don't think it would be part of the ban. I've recently switched to e-cigs and my clothes, and hair no longer smell like smoke!
There are also none of the carcinogens associated with cigarettes. Just liquid nicotine and an atomizer.

They come in a ton of flavors and I haven't had a real cigarette in over a week!!!

eta: wrong word

I wondered about the E-cigarette. I wondered if it smelled like the actual smoke smell or something else.
I am an ex-smoker and I thought I might start smoking the E-cigarettes.

Well, considering the e-cig does not "smoke" but is water vapor, I don't think it would be part of the ban. I've recently switched to e-cigs and my clothes, and hair no longer smell like smoke!
There are also none of the carcinogens associated with cigarettes. Just liquid nicotine and an atomizer.

They come in a ton of flavors and I haven't had a real cigarette in over a week!!!

eta: wrong word

I wondered about the E-cigarette. I wondered if it smelled like the actual smoke smell or something else.

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