Hot days


In the Brooder
May 21, 2015
On super hot days (and just as a treat) I make 'chicken mash'. My chicks love it! I take plain yogurt and a refrigerated banana and mash it together. Then I mix in some of their regular crumble food. Its kind of a paste texture but its great to keep them cool and hydrated.
I read that chickens love banana peels (mine didn't) and then I read that chickens should never eat bananas (poisonous). I'm confused! I'd love to feed mine bananas! And I have yogurt (plain)...maybe I can make a cucumber mash for them to beat the heat?

These are my first chickens...English Orpington pullets. It's going to be 105 the next 2 days so I'm trying to find good ways to keep them hydrated and cool.
That's actually the opposite of what I've read on bananas! Haha. I've seen not to give them peels but that the banana itself is a good source of potassium for them.
I haven't tried cucumbers with mine. They didn't like yellow squash or carrots but of course I'll try again.
I took a can of corn and froze a bit in each cup of a muffin tin. They loved their frozen treats. Oh, frozen berries were also a big hit.
On super hot days (and just as a treat) I make 'chicken mash'. My chicks love it! I take plain yogurt and a refrigerated banana and mash it together. Then I mix in some of their regular crumble food. Its kind of a paste texture but its great to keep them cool and hydrated.

This sounds great, I wonder if you could make a smoothie version and crush ice into it for extra cool?
I going to go make that right now! My chickens are always breathing with their mouths open when they get hot, so the treat should cool them down!
You probably could mix ice or even freeze some yogurt and use the frozen yogurt in place of the ice so it doesn't water it down. That's how I make regular smoothies sometimes.

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