House Goose Thread

Thanks! All of those are pics of Angel we took as he grew up. :)

However... now we have an announcement! It had to be postponed until today. Introducing our newest house additions! Two baby saddleback Sebbies. :) Going to DNA test them in a few weeks and name 'em. Hoping for a gander and goose, fingers crossed!



Also, I was recently scolded for not posting any pictures of Cas lately (LOL) so, here's a few

Watching TV with his "peeps"

Look at all those perdy new feathers!

Giving me "The Look" because it had just started to storm and I brought him back in. He was having SOOO much fun in the mud!
Hey...btw quick parrot thinks she needs to 'feed' Cas and I caught her throwing him cracker crumbles which he gobbled up before I could grab him. A few crumbs of crackers isn't going to hurt him, right? Lol My silly bird is like a Grandma! Everyone must be fed! Lol
I little bit shouldn't hurt, no. Just mind the salt. I know parrots can't digest salt, dunno if the same goes for waterfowl. And holy crap, Cas has grown so much! He's so adorable. <3
Thanks! Luckily the crackers are low sodium ones i get special for Biscuit so as far as salt goes. Whew I'm breathing a sigh of relief lol! He's just growing sooooo fast it's hard to keep up! I let him swim in the bathtub last night and wow the tidal wave holy crap! He was dashing back and forth underwater splashing everywhere and having so much fun. Totally worth the ten minutes of mopping afterwards. Lol
Giddy Goose, your sebbies are just adorable!! What did you name them?

Even, so good to see new pics of Cas. He is growing like a weed. I love his markings and his fuzzy head! So true how they love to dive bomb the water, lol. I know exactly what you mean about the mopping being worth it.

I'm going to get a kiddie pool for the deck so Jupiter can do some serious swimming. She is about 85% feathered now and likes cold water straight from the garden hose.
He's growing too fast! I swear he grows an inch a day! Those pics above were 2 days ago, look at him today!

Play Date with neighbor friend's Whelsh duckling. What's funny is they are the same age!...

And enjoying the nice weather (FINALLY!) today...

Just a thought after looking at those pics, and because I'm such a worried Goosey Mama! When he's really relaxed, his wings droop a little. He can fold them back up just fine, and flaps and stretches them all the time. When he sleeps, he pulls them up and tucks his head back. But when he's just "chillin" (like when we're outside) often he'll just let them droop. Is that normal?

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