House Goose Thread

That's a really neat set up for Cas.  Does he go into his house or does he pretty much hang out in his little yard?

How do you keep Pear and his friend from ripping off their bandanas?  Jupiter immediately shredded the bling on her diaper harness.

I don't really know he doesn't react to it. Maybe the older they get the less tolerant they are. He's only 6 weeks
6 weeks already?? Golly! I really think my goose had steroids or something! LOL He was half feathered at that age already! Pear is sure a cutie pie tho! I just wanna pick him up n snuggle him!
6 weeks already?? Golly! I really think my goose had steroids or something! LOL He was half feathered at that age already! Pear is sure a cutie pie tho! I just wanna pick him up n snuggle him!

I think he was a tiny bit older than we thought maybe? Because I'm basically feeding him the same stuff. But he is SO TALL
It's possible I suppose I'll never really know truly how old Cas is, really only a "best guess". As of today, we're thinking he's going to be 10 weeks old on the 4th (Saturday) because we got him April 25th (a Saturday) LOL. He matches pictures I've seen of goslings his age pretty closely now. Fully feathered and near adult height, and he's molting his first feathers (EVERYWHERE OMG I could stuff a pillow! LOL)

He eats grass all day as he wants, gets his Big Boy pellets (Mazuri Waterfowl Maintenance Diet 14% protien) for lunch, and a salad of greens and other fruits, veggies and his dried worms at bed time. He's a healthy weight and OMG he can honk REALLY loud! Lol
I just got my order of diapers today for my beautiful disabled goose. Will try to put them on this week-end, should be a treat lol

Our baby appears to be adapting to not having any use of her feet. Unfortunately she keeps calling out during the day. We have a pretty good system now where she has her own plastic box with soft bedding, a good water supply and a container full of grass and her feed. Despite this, she keeps calling out all day long, to the point where my husband, who works from home, is reconsidering our... commitment should I say. :hmm Any suggestions? We can't spend much time with her during the day but we spent 1 hour with her in the morning and at least 1-2 hours at night.
I just got my order of diapers today for my beautiful disabled goose. Will try to put them on this week-end, should be a treat lol :/

Our baby appears to be adapting to not having any use of her feet. Unfortunately she keeps calling out during the day. We have a pretty good system now where she has her own plastic box with soft bedding, a good water supply and a container full of grass and her feed. Despite this, she keeps calling out all day long, to the point where my husband, who works from home, is reconsidering our... commitment should I say. :hmm Any suggestions? We can't spend much time with her during the day but we spent 1 hour with her in the morning and at least 1-2 hours at night.

That is unacceptable. Geese are flock animals. You CANNOT, absolutely cannot, leave her alone for that long. If you can't be with her get her a friend ASAP and have two indoor geese. Geese can become depressed and even die without contact and attention. That is what you committed to. Sorry if this sounds harsh but THREE hours a day of attention?! Either find her a new home, get her a friend, or put her down. I have two indoor geese and neither of them have diapers, i bring them everywhere, in the car, in my bed, to the kitchen, living room, outside. There are no excuses, ESPECIALLY if your husband works at home.

I really don't mean to be rude but it hurts my heart. My geese never call out for me unless im out of the room, and if she's calling for you or your husband you need to respond. Maybe not at night when she's asleep but you cannot leave her alone for an entire day...
That is unacceptable. Geese are flock animals. You CANNOT, absolutely cannot, leave her alone for that long. If you can't be with her get her a friend ASAP and have two indoor geese. Geese can become depressed and even die without contact and attention. That is what you committed to. Sorry if this sounds harsh but THREE hours a day of attention?! Either find her a new home, get her a friend, or put her down. I have two indoor geese and neither of them have diapers, i bring them everywhere, in the car, in my bed, to the kitchen, living room, outside. There are no excuses, ESPECIALLY if your husband works at home.

I really don't mean to be rude but it hurts my heart. My geese never call out for me unless im out of the room, and if she's calling for you or your husband you need to respond. Maybe not at night when she's asleep but you cannot leave her alone for an entire day...
Hi there,

I had to take a breather after reading your reply as it kinda broke my heart a little bit. I know you mean well though but if it wasn't for me this amazing handicapped goose would be dead already. My husband hates her very much because she is so much work. I practically do everything on my own. I work long hours as a physician so every morning, I get up and give her a long bath, clean all of her area, refill everything she needs for the day with fresh grass and feed. At night as soon as I get home, I cuddle her and give her attention and I put her to bed myself. She often sleeps at the end of my bed. My husband will check up on her here and there but not much.

I work in mental health so I know all about depression and honestly I am surprised to say I don't think I see depression in her. She is so feisty. She loves to eat and dig grit out of her bowl. She loves sitting next to me and sleeping on me. I think she doesn't like that she can't walk and that makes her more fussy during the day.

I had a thread a few weeks ago where I explained my situation. It is impossible for me to get another goose. I rescued this goose from a certain culling as she cannot walk. No one around me wants to care for her unless they can leave her alone in a box outside to grow fat and then eat her.
My only other option is to put her down, but how do you put down an animal with so much will to live?? It is a very hard thing to consider. I was hoping I could have some assistance here on how to make her feel less lonely during the day. She never ever screams at night. In fact she is quiet 9 hours straight every night on the clock!
Hi there,

I had to take a breather after reading your reply as it kinda broke my heart a little bit. I know you mean well though but if it wasn't for me this amazing handicapped goose would be dead already. My husband hates her very much because she is so much work. I practically do everything on my own. I work long hours as a physician so every morning, I get up and give her a long bath, clean all of her area, refill everything she needs for the day with fresh grass and feed. At night as soon as I get home, I cuddle her and give her attention and I put her to bed myself. She often sleeps at the end of my bed. My husband will check up on her here and there but not much.

I work in mental health so I know all about depression and honestly I am surprised to say I don't think I see depression in her. She is so feisty. She loves to eat and dig grit out of her bowl. She loves sitting next to me and sleeping on me. I think she doesn't like that she can't walk and that makes her more fussy during the day.

I had a thread a few weeks ago where I explained my situation. It is impossible for me to get another goose. I rescued this goose from a certain culling as she cannot walk. No one around me wants to care for her unless they can leave her alone in a box outside to grow fat and then eat her. :hit  My only other option is to put her down, but how do you put down an animal with so much will to live?? It is a very hard thing to consider. I was hoping I could have some assistance here on how to make her feel less lonely during the day. She never ever screams at night. In fact she is quiet 9 hours straight every night on the clock!

I really didn't want to be mean or rude, but geese need companions. The only way I think you could give her some relief is to give her a stuffed animal or a mirror...

I saw your other post, I actually commented telling you how much work it would be and you said you could do it. I know it's hard to even consider putting down an animal, but twenty years of only three hour a day attention is heart breaking.

Please please don't take this personally. I think you're an AMAZING and strong woman to try and take on this young goose. Sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest.

I can't imagine leaving my two even with each other for an entire work day. The most I've ever left them alone at the house is two hours and I felt sick about it. If I find anything or come up with anything that could keep her busy I will... But for now, consider looking VERY hard for a new owner or putting her down. I'm sure Even, Sky, or I would take her if you lived near us. Where do you live?
And another thing, I am not one to sugar coat. Even and Sky know that. I'm very opinionated and if I see fault in something I WILL speak up. I don't mind if anyone likes me here, but I do give a lot of good information. For the most part, at least.

So again, please don't take any of that personally or like I don't like you. ;) I actually have a lot of respect for you.

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