House Goose Thread

EvenLater the playpen for Cas is amazing! And he is so gorgeous. How is the pen for cleaning though? I don't see him wearing a diaper in the photo. And thank you for your post. You all bring something to the conversation and I appreciate that. I can tell you I am myself 100% committed to this cutie. I wish I wasn't working such a hard job now as I love being around her and giving her the affection she needs. If I was home, I would have her with me all the time. But my husband is not like that. He resents me a bit because of the "rescue" habit I have been suffering from. For the past 5 years at least we have always had 4-5 pets at the same time, mainly because I would fall in love with a pet at the store and find a way to convince my husband to bring it home. I hadn't brought a new pet in the past 2 years until baby goose arrived. Knowing that she could live 15 years is no issue for me. I am okay not being able to travel much if at all in that time.

I have been religiously cleaning her area, feeding her, bathing her and playing with her everyday for the past 5 weeks that we have had her. On the weekends I take her out more since I am usually home. 2 weeks ago I have, after your suggestion in my other thread, bought a bunch of toys, bird toys, baby toys, dog toys etc. She doesn't seem to love many of them but she has become attached to a toy in the shape of a butterfly that makes music when you press a button. We have been trying to teach her to press it herself. Not quite there yet haha. I also downloaded soothing bird music but have yet to play it in her room. I tried putting the iPad next to her with a Pixar movie but she didn't buy into it just yet. Will continue trying. The mirror is the one thing I haven't gotten to yet. I will try to find a nice one that is safe for her to have on her own this week-end. Also, she gets a goose plush with her at bedtime in her dog bed and she loves picking at it. She doesn't seem to care for it during the day though.

On the suggestion of Carrosaur, I have also started keeping a varied greens buffet, which prompted me to buy an extra fridge just for it lol (and to hold cold beer for the gentleman of course).
Wow. I don't know if my introduction made it through to this "channel" or not, but I just read through 26 pages of the house goose thread. Now might not be the best time to dip my toes in the water, but here I am anyway. My name is Becca, and I'm originally from the Black Hills of South Dakota. I have lived in the high desert of Central Oregon for the 22 years, but in my heart, the little 14 acre farm I grew up on will always be my home. As a teenager, I raised flock geese that would come flying from up to a quarter mile away to come home. I was also lucky enough to raise a baby Canadian goose that was found lame and abandoned in the wild. Now, as a retired teacher and a gramma, if I had read this thread or done any research before hand, I would not have Larry Dwain and Bull Goose Loony. They are American buffs, 7weeks and 2 days old, and they have twined their strings of love around my heart. So "Howdy" to all you fellow goose lovers. Hope to hear from someone soon.
Welcome! Don't let threads get to ya, New One. Everyone has strong opinions, Lol
Welcome to the fray! Do your Buffs live in the house with you? I am eagerly awaiting pictures!
EvenLater the playpen for Cas is amazing! And he is so gorgeous. How is the pen for cleaning though? I don't see him wearing a diaper in the photo. And thank you for your post. You all bring something to the conversation and I appreciate that. I can tell you I am myself 100% committed to this cutie. I wish I wasn't working such a hard job now as I love being around her and giving her the affection she needs. If I was home, I would have her with me all the time. But my husband is not like that. He resents me a bit because of the "rescue" habit I have been suffering from. For the past 5 years at least we have always had 4-5 pets at the same time, mainly because I would fall in love with a pet at the store and find a way to convince my husband to bring it home. I hadn't brought a new pet in the past 2 years until baby goose arrived. Knowing that she could live 15 years is no issue for me. I am okay not being able to travel much if at all in that time.

I have been religiously cleaning her area, feeding her, bathing her and playing with her everyday for the past 5 weeks that we have had her. On the weekends I take her out more since I am usually home. 2 weeks ago I have, after your suggestion in my other thread, bought a bunch of toys, bird toys, baby toys, dog toys etc. She doesn't seem to love many of them but she has become attached to a toy in the shape of a butterfly that makes music when you press a button. We have been trying to teach her to press it herself. Not quite there yet haha. I also downloaded soothing bird music but have yet to play it in her room. I tried putting the iPad next to her with a Pixar movie but she didn't buy into it just yet. Will continue trying. The mirror is the one thing I haven't gotten to yet. I will try to find a nice one that is safe for her to have on her own this week-end. Also, she gets a goose plush with her at bedtime in her dog bed and she loves picking at it. She doesn't seem to care for it during the day though.

On the suggestion of Carrosaur, I have also started keeping a varied greens buffet, which prompted me to buy an extra fridge just for it lol (and to hold cold beer for the gentleman of course).
Thanks! We realized by the time Cas was about 4 weeks old, that he's very much like a young toddler (with wings lol) and honestly, he's been somewhat raised as such. He very well understands the word "NO!" and just like a toddler he'll sass me back when I shake my finger at him and say it! His play pen is decorated with mostly toys for infants because we have found that he likes the bright colors and different sounds they make. Here's some better shots of his toy set up...

You'll notice most of the toys are strung within his reach, but hanging them (I've learned the hard way LOL) keeps them from becoming covered in...uh...poo. Lol These little plastic links are GREAT, btw, and most other toys can be somehow hung along them.

One of his very favorite toys is this stuffed duckie he's had since we got him. I keep it strung up so he can still play with it, but it stays much cleaner! He often enjoyed giving his duckie a "bath" in his water bowl!

I found this baby mirror for him at a garage sale for $0.50! It's not glass and it's padded around the edges making it extra safe. There's toys around it that crinkle, jingle or make clicky noises and he's figured out how to do most of them now on his own!

As for ease of cleaning, I can help you there. I have gotten it down to a simple 5 minutes, twice a day routine. I use a "rotating mat" system. I have mats that are cut to fit both inside his little house and the play pen, two of each (actually three of each now). Cleaning litterally takes 5 minutes. I simply take out the "dirty" mat and put in the clean one. The dirty mat gets hung outside and sprayed off with a hose and hangs to dry while I'm at work. By the time I get home, it's dry, and I switch them out again. SUPER EASY and Hub doesn't have to do a thing. (Mine does though, but he's as weird about Cas as I am! LOL)

The mats wick away wetness and are so easy to just spray down. Once a week I do a "Super Clean" where Cas gets diapered and I take all of his mats and throw them in the washer and dryer with nice smelling fabric softener. While they're washing, I wash out his house (which is plastic) and play pen. I do NOT use bleach. I use a soapy water made only with Dawn dish soap because Dawn is the only soap that the wildlife federation recognizes (they use it to get oil off wildlife) as completely safe for animals. I let his pen and house air dry while his "laundry" is in the wash and he runs around diapered.

He doesn't wear his diaper while in his house or play pen, only when he's out around the house or we go somewhere with him. I take him every Saturday (except today due to the holiday lol) to visit at PetCo and everyone there loves him. He walks well on his leash and loves meeting all the people and looking at other critters. Afterwards, we go through McD's drive through, which everyone has come to know him and eagerly run over to see him when we come through, and Cas gets a couple non-salted fries! Lol
A side'll notice that Cas is quite pampered. There is a reason I'm so weird when it comes to him and how he's cared for. Cas has filled a void that's long been empty in my heart. I'm older and my children are nearing adulthood. I longed for caring for something, anything again that would be completely dependent on me, something I could spoil and love and carry around with me. At my age, another child just wasn't in the cards, so Cas fills that void for me completely. He is BEYOND loved here, and in return we've raised a very happy and very affectionate goose. I love letting people meet him because so many think that all geese are "mean"...until they meet Cas. He LOVES to snuggle and loves hugs and cuddles. He loves climbing onto a lap and just sitting with people. He's very much my baby boy! Lol
I freaking love Cas's play pen! It looks like a Disneyland for geese :)

littlegosling, I don't envy your position. Not having a supportive SO, would make life terribly difficult. I am a homemaker which allows me to be with Jupiter full time. Even so, I have times that I feel overwhelmed and question my choice to have an indoor goose pet. You are an incredibly strong woman. To become a physician (a tremendous accomplishment), and take disabled animals into your heart and I would be so lucky to have an ounce of that strength.

After reading your story, I wonder if a heart to heart conversation with your hubby could help. It seems you have a pretty good idea where his animosity against the goose is coming from. If you acknowledge his feelings about pressuring him to adopt disabled animals and apologize for it (along with a promise to never do that again), it may change his attitude. It sounds like he's more mad at you than actually hating the goose.
I love letting people meet him because so many think that all geese are "mean"...until they meet Cas. He LOVES to snuggle and loves hugs and cuddles. He loves climbing onto a lap and just sitting with people. He's very much my baby boy! Lol

Lucky! Jupiter doesn't like dogs or kids. She ignores them as long as they keep walking by her. If they stop to look at her, she belts out a blood curdling scream, runs in circles flapping her wings like crazy. There's a little girl that keeps coming by to see her. I will go stand next to the girl and coax Jupiter over. She comes a bit closer to loudly scold the kid. I swear she's like a crabby teen who's always on her period.
Lucky! Jupiter doesn't like dogs or kids. She ignores them as long as they keep walking by her. If they stop to look at her, she belts out a blood curdling scream, runs in circles flapping her wings like crazy. There's a little girl that keeps coming by to see her. I will go stand next to the girl and coax Jupiter over. She comes a bit closer to loudly scold the kid. I swear she's like a crabby teen who's always on her period.
I've learned through trial and error to watch Cas's moods. He has days he just doesn't want to deal with anyone but me, even in house here so I don't take him on "adventures" on days like that. Then he has days where he's perfectly happy to sit with anyone who either has treats or will pet him! Most days, if I hold him, anyone can touch him, but only if I'm holding him and telling him to "be nice" or telling him what a "good boy" he is...Lol

They really do have teenager mood swings don't they!

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