House Goose Thread

I finally made Cas a YouTube channel and put up a bunch of his videos, from baby up til now! he watching Rio...just so you all see that YES he REALLY is watching it! Watch how concerned he is when Baby Blue falls out of the tree! And for any fellow Tubers, here's his channel link with all his videos! :D
Pear has an Instagram account with about 700 followers, my dog has 1500, LOLLL. Cas is gonna be FAMOUS! I was watching how to train your dragon 2 and Pear was on my bed and I swear he was watching it! Or listening to the crazy sounds!
I finally made Cas a YouTube channel and put up a bunch of his videos, from baby up til now! he watching Rio...just so you all see that YES he REALLY is watching it! Watch how concerned he is when Baby Blue falls out of the tree!

And for any fellow Tubers, here's his channel link with all his videos!

Cas is absolutely adorable.
Just a quick update and thanks all for your help :) I need to post pictures of my setup at some point for you all to see. Her plastic box is smaller than your playpen for Cas EvenLater or otherwise chickenwing gets herself turned around and can't get back to her feeding area until we move her back.

The new additions to the setup are an accident-shatter proof baby mirror and now her toys are hanging next to her but without taking space in her area (also makes them poo-free! LOL).

My husband has been helping out a bit more this week-end and he figured that if she had some company, she might not feel so lonely. We have 2 guinea pigs that are fenced up in the same room. We placed her cage right next to theirs without them being able to actually touch as we don't want them to pick on eachother. We'll see if she finds them interesting to watch or talk to. They are both very vocal when they are happy.

Finally, another thing I noticed is she tends to dig out the bedding under her feet and then ends up with the clear plastic, which offers little traction. I have seen her just repeatedly swinging her leg back and forth and slipping. I added a no-grip mat under the bedding to prevent that from happening.

I watched some videos of geese on youtube and she definitely was checking out my iphone (and trying to nip at my rubber case LOL).
Just a quick update and thanks all for your help :) I need to post pictures of my setup at some point for you all to see. Her plastic box is smaller than your playpen for Cas EvenLater or otherwise chickenwing gets herself turned around and can't get back to her feeding area until we move her back.

The new additions to the setup are an accident-shatter proof baby mirror and now her toys are hanging next to her but without taking space in her area (also makes them poo-free! LOL).

My husband has been helping out a bit more this week-end and he figured that if she had some company, she might not feel so lonely. We have 2 guinea pigs that are fenced up in the same room. We placed her cage right next to theirs without them being able to actually touch as we don't want them to pick on eachother. We'll see if she finds them interesting to watch or talk to. They are both very vocal when they are happy.

Finally, another thing I noticed is she tends to dig out the bedding under her feet and then ends up with the clear plastic, which offers little traction. I have seen her just repeatedly swinging her leg back and forth and slipping. I added a no-grip mat under the bedding to prevent that from happening.

I watched some videos of geese on youtube and she definitely was checking out my iphone (and trying to nip at my rubber case LOL).
Sounds like you're on the right track! Hanging toys has definitely helped me with clean up by keeping them within play range but poop free! And like you said, it keeps them from taking up their "area" as well.

When Cas was young we used shavings over a mat for bedding too. I quickly changed to just the mat after several long scooping, stooping, bending cleaning sessions each day. I'm older, and my back isn't as good as it once was! I found these large rubber backed-grippy soft on top mats at Home Depot for about $10, and one of them cut in half made 2 mats the perfect size for his house.

When we added the play pen, I bought another one and did the same thing, so I have a "rotation" of mats for both his house (where his food and water are) and the play pen (where he spends a lot of time playing). Cleaning now is a 5 minute "chore" of simply rolling up the 'dirty' mat and replacing with the clean one. I simply hang the dirty mat on my deck and spray it down with the hose. I let it hang to dry and by the time I need to switch them again (I do this in the morning and in the evening) the hung one is dry (and smells fresh from hanging outside!) and I just do it again. No scooping, or pine shaving smell!

I highly recommend a mat system for those with indoor geese. It's less expensive (those bags of shavings you go through will add up in cost), far less smelly (wet shavings smell a bit sickly!), no chance of mold, dust, or the like to cause respiratory issues (a goose confined even in an 'open' house with shavings is still breathing in all that dust...), far more absorbent (shavings don't really absorb the water geese splash and spill everywhere! Lol), and WAY easier to clean! Oh and not to mention healthier because goslings WILL eat the shavings foraging for treats or just because.

I think it's neat you have her near the guinea piggies. Cas loves all the other critters in my house (except one cat LOL) and enjoys seeing them and talking to them. I bet your little one will be the same way!

Phones...OMG. Cas LOVES mine (I think it's the striped bright case on it lol) and after I take videos or pics of him I'll often let him play gently with it (thank goodness it's a thick rubber case!) for a bit as a "reward". He looks forward to having his videos taken now because of it! Silly geese!
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Sounds like you're on the right track! Hanging toys has definitely helped me with clean up by keeping them within play range but poop free! And like you said, it keeps them from taking up their "area" as well. When Cas was young we used shavings over a mat for bedding too. I quickly changed to just the mat after several long scooping, stooping, bending cleaning sessions each day. I'm older, and my back isn't as good as it once was! I found these large rubber backed-grippy soft on top mats at Home Depot for about $10, and one of them cut in half made 2 mats the perfect size for his house. When we added the play pen, I bought another one and did the same thing, so I have a "rotation" of mats for both his house (where his food and water are) and the play pen (where he spends a lot of time playing). Cleaning now is a 5 minute "chore" of simply rolling up the 'dirty' mat and replacing with the clean one. I simply hang the dirty mat on my deck and spray it down with the hose. I let it hang to dry and by the time I need to switch them again (I do this in the morning and in the evening) the hung one is dry (and smells fresh from hanging outside!) and I just do it again. No scooping, or pine shaving smell! I highly recommend a mat system for those with indoor geese. It's less expensive (those bags of shavings you go through will add up in cost), far less smelly (wet shavings smell a bit sickly!), no chance of mold, dust, or the like to cause respiratory issues (a goose confined even in an 'open' house with shavings is still breathing in all that dust...), far more absorbent (shavings don't really absorb the water geese splash and spill everywhere! Lol), and WAY easier to clean! Oh and not to mention healthier because goslings WILL eat the shavings foraging for treats or just because. I think it's neat you have her near the guinea piggies. Cas loves all the other critters in my house (except one cat LOL) and enjoys seeing them and talking to them. I bet your little one will be the same way! Phones...OMG. Cas LOVES mine (I think it's the striped bright case on it lol) and after I take videos or pics of him I'll often let him play gently with it (thank goodness it's a thick rubber case!) for a bit as a "reward". He looks forward to having his videos taken now because of it! Silly geese!
Yes the phones... I can't text around Pear because he makes it his life goal to destroy it. Once I pulled up a picture of grain and chicken food and gave it to him and he pecked at my screen like it was food, SO FUNNY. If my text tone goes off he SCREAMS!
Yes the phones... I can't text around Pear because he makes it his life goal to destroy it. Once I pulled up a picture of grain and chicken food and gave it to him and he pecked at my screen like it was food, SO FUNNY. If my text tone goes off he SCREAMS!
LOL my baby keeps trying to pick a fight with my iPhone, it is quite funny. :) I just wished she was doing better (see my separate panting thread). I guess I should be happy that despite her breathing problems, she still makes sure to attack my phone!

I also want to say that grit in a bit of water does wonder in keeping a gosling busy for one hour straight LOL
LOL my baby keeps trying to pick a fight with my iPhone, it is quite funny. :) I just wished she was doing better (see my separate panting thread). I guess I should be happy that despite her breathing problems, she still makes sure to attack my phone!

I also want to say that grit in a bit of water does wonder in keeping a gosling busy for one hour straight LOL

Water thing is so true!
Hi guys. I wanted to put a little something here. Someone we all know here in the House Goose thread is in terrible pain right now. She had to help her lovely baby over the Bridge the other day and is a complete mess. I don't want to put many specifics, as she's AWOL right now (it's just too painful for her to come here right now) but I wanted us to keep her in our thoughts. Her loss was sudden and shocking. She is heart broken and I'm even keeping my "Cas updates" to a minimum for the time being. I'm not sure how much she wants known, but I know she isn't personally ready to talk herself. Please keep this anonymous lady in your thoughts. Her sweet baby will be deeply missed here.

PS..I will add more if I'm given her permission to do so.
Hi guys. I wanted to put a little something here. Someone we all know here in the House Goose thread is in terrible pain right now. She had to help her lovely baby over the Bridge the other day and is a complete mess. I don't want to put many specifics, as she's AWOL right now (it's just too painful for her to come here right now) but I wanted us to keep her in our thoughts. Her loss was sudden and shocking. She is heart broken and I'm even keeping my "Cas updates" to a minimum for the time being. I'm not sure how much she wants known, but I know she isn't personally ready to talk herself. Please keep this anonymous lady in your thoughts. Her sweet baby will be deeply missed here.

PS..I will add more if I'm given her permission to do so.

Uh oh.. ): keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the little goose had an easy trip over the bridge.

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