Housing a Serama in the Winter


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 19, 2009
Hi Everyone - I need some help! I have about 30 chickens of all types (brahmas, rir, easter eggers, orpingtons, etc) including silkies and japanese black tailed bantams.Winterizing has never been an issue with them.
But, I have just adopted a Serama hen. Boy is she cute! BUT sooo small? I have been reading up on them and I am still confused about how to take care of her over the winter.
I live in MA, and it can get very cold, wet, and snowy where I am. Is it best to have her inside? Is an area in the basement still too cold? It isn't very warm - in fact, my house is usually only set at 54F all winter. I hope I am posting this in the right area - if not, please tell me : )
Also - should I have the two bantams in with her for the winter? They seem to be hanging out together all the time.
lol pretty much! i thought i would keep her with the 2 japanese black tails she likes. she actually was a single pet for a college student - so i slowly worked her in with the others. thanks for the ideas! it is going to get cold this weekend, so I have to get it all done tomorrow!

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