Housing turkeys till harvest?

FFA 4-H Raised

In the Brooder
Feb 12, 2015
this summer I'm going to be raising turkeys to harvest and sell... My question is we have dairy huts that are fenced in all the way around with a fence around 5 foot tall I need pointers on how to make this work because it's all I've got and have no other options I was thinking of clipping one of the turkeys wings to keep them from jumping the fence would that work... And what about a roost how necessary are they because I would half to drill holes into the dairy hut... I will if necessary but if there just as happy on the ground as to a roost I'm not going to put holes in my hut. THANKS
My turkeys never jumped the fence, and its only 4.5 feet in some places. They do like to roost although I don't know if its necessary for them to have. It probably isn't that good for them to sleep in their own poo though, and cleaning up after turkeys is quite the chore and smells way worse than chickens. Are those white things in the background of your picture the dairy huts? I'm not sure if they're quite big enough to put a roost into. What is the height on them?
this summer I'm going to be raising turkeys to harvest and sell... My question is we have dairy huts that are fenced in all the way around with a fence around 5 foot tall I need pointers on how to make this work because it's all I've got and have no other options I was thinking of clipping one of the turkeys wings to keep them from jumping the fence would that work... And what about a roost how necessary are they because I would half to drill holes into the dairy hut... I will if necessary but if there just as happy on the ground as to a roost I'm not going to put holes in my hut. THANKS
Even with a clipped wing turkeys can easily hop up on a 5' tall fence. Your perimeter fence with rails is extremely inviting to turkeys. They love to jump up on the top rail and unfortunately will more often than not hop down on the wrong side. The fence without rails should contain the turkeys but the rail fence won't keep them in.

Turkeys definitely need roosts. The only time that turkeys don't roost at night is when they are sitting on a nest. Another thing they will need is shade on bright sunny days.

My turkeys all roost outside of the coop even during extreme sub zero temperatures during the winter. During the coldest part of the winter, they may spend the whole day in the coop but will still spend the nights on their roost.

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