Houston Chicken Swap Meet, Lets Start One!

So they're all show quality??? I'd sure buy Nugget from ya if he's SQ!
I would be pretty interested to swap my "oops" BO cockerel for a Brahma one, if possible. Of course, then I'd have to figure out how to introduce a new roo to the flock. Rock is my second in command. He grew up with the girls, so he has never had to learn to respect them, so I think if he could find himself in a flock of older, confident hens, he might learn a thing or two about respect and courting. He has never wing danced for them - just jumps on and breeds. Other than the fact that he never asks the pullets to breed (lots of sparse heads and backs around here), he's a great boy. He is very alert as to where they all are outside and will sound an alarm if one of the girls ever gets out of the pens or stuck somewhere. He gets along with the head cockerel, Mr. Feathers, very well. He's good with me - lots of respect - although we had to work it out. I have a boarding stable, so the chickens do get visitors and he has gotten pecky and chasy with them, but I tell the people, if you can't establish yourself as a leader, don't go visit the chickens. Rock responds very well to the chase as dominance. I haven't had to do it since we settled everything months ago.

He's 7 months old now and this picture is at 6 months.

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