Houston Chicken Swap Meet, Lets Start One!

If you take your birds "off primise" with the intent to sell or trade you must have a permit. You can sell or trade all you want at your property with out a TAHC permit but you still must have your birds tested for P/T, which is free.
If you have a bunch of birds for your own use then you can do nothing and be OK.

You may not like all this but it is the law and if you get caught ( and you will) you give the whole Swap/ Trade a black eye.

Obviously you have never been to a trade day. You want to break the law I guess that is your business.

I have been to a trade day so if you have nothing to say then don't bother posting on my thread.
Obviously you have never been to a trade day. You want to break the law I guess that is your business.

I have been to a trade day so if you have nothing to say then don't bother posting on my thread.

I am going to get it just for the purpose of selling. Alot of people will ask you about the typhoid test. But hopefully it will not be a whole lot for it.

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