hova-bator 2370 with humidikit?


Apr 9, 2022
I was gifted a hovabator 2370 with the humidikit.

Has anyone ever used it? I've never used a humidikit and I live somewhere that's pretty dry so I was wondering if it would be a good idea to use. I'm incubating some silkie and polish eggs, if that matters and I'm kinda nervous. I have a separate hydrometer and thermometer, as well.
I have it setup. My question is, is it a good idea to use? I've seen differing opinions on using misters. This one is very fine, like a smoke.
As long as your able to maintain the humidity you want, it shouldn't hurt. I've never used one but I've looked into them a great deal when I was thinking about building an incubator
I was looking at them earlier this evening and I most likely will use them in all of my 2370 incubators. Here in the very southern fringe of AL the humidity can make wild swings. I think I will install one and compare to not using one and see what happens.

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