How big should the chickens door be?


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Cr
10 Years
Jun 12, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I am re-doing my coop. The one bought just doesn't work for me, but the existing framework wil be in corporated. I was wondering what the dimensions of the opening for the chcken door to the run should be. My largest bird should be my Orpington.
Our opening is about 12 wide x 18 high. Just a note: If you are using shavings on the floor of your coop, you will want to add a small board or a lip at the doorway to keep shavings may want to take this into consideration when locating your pop door. Hope you'll learn from our sucesses and mistakes!
I wouldnt go any smaller than 8" wide, and foot tall, mine is 8x16, and my turkey(black spanish) has no problem fitting through to get the good food(layer pellets)
Turkey door is 16 x 24 for fat tom to get through.
Is your coop divided into 3 sections, or can You pick and choose which door to open depending on where you want chickens to go? Just courious.
Is your coop divided into 3 sections, or can You pick and choose which door to open depending on where you want chickens to go? Just courious.

That's a good question, I was wondering that myself.
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Sorry, haven't been able to get online easily as we are on vacation. It is a raised coop and we will be taking it down to the framework adding 3 more ft onto the length and I want to add height so I can add better ventilation at the top and bottom. It should end up being 4X6 for 5 birds. There will be one pop door out to the run wich is 84sq feet. I also have other access doors and some windows planned. Thanks for the measurments at least I have some numbers to go by now. I just don't want to make it too small, but don't want to make it so big that it lets in all kinds of cold or weather.
The coop I've had the last 10 or 12 years has a pop door that is 8"w x 11"h. I hadn't planned on making it that small, it's just how it worked out.

The birds are perfectly happy with it, so I am, too. As you say, a small door keeps out cold and bad weather.

I've had Orpingtons before but not in this coop. The Australorps have done fine with it and I have a couple Barred Rocks that are bigger than the 'Lorps (about the size of my Orpingtons). None of the birds have the least trouble using their door.


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