How Big?


Mar 7, 2017
I have a few BB Bronze and BB White Turkeys, I'm wondering at what size will they be unable to fly?
They are about 18 weeks old and all around 25 to 30 lbs. I have moved them from a 10 x 10 tractor to a 1500 square foot fenced area 4' high with electric poultry net. Just nervous wondering if they could possibly fly the coop? I also clipped their wings pretty close.

Thanks for any info.
With clipped wings I doubt very much they can fly, heritage maybe, broad breasted, don't think so.
The Christmas crew I am currently running is a flock of 5 Bourbons. The heaviest is maybe 10 lbs. I just clipped their wings for second time. They can jump and flap, but defy not fly. I contain my chickens with 48" poultry netting, probably much like whay you're using. The turks can't clear it, nor do they try, when they go after the layer flocks food. They try to push through and they cannot. The electric goat netting, now that's a whole different story...
Thank you they’re doing good so far, couple of almost bad moments as they got used to what they could / could not do. Not sure which way to run...

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