How blind are chickens in the dark??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 30, 2013
south shore mass
Like are they totally blind or can they see a little bit. Or can they see like people, once their eyes get adjusted to the dark, you know not very good.
I'm pretty sure that chickens can not see in the dark which is the reason roosters crow 30 mins before dark.
In my experience, it seems like maybe they can see a tiny bit. Mine have jumped to different perches in the dark, and even pecked at a newbie. Or maybe mine just remember/guess where everything is? They definitely don't see super well though. There was one time that I put a bunch of leaves and stuff in their run in the evening while they were out roaming the yard, and as it approached dusk, one of my hens freaked out and didn't want to get close to the new leaves that I put in... I think she couldn't see it well enough to know what it was.

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