how can i breed pigeons


7 Years
Sep 18, 2012
Ireland dublin
ok i have 10 pigeons 6 thumblers and 4 homers i would like to breed some of theese and i have a pair that bred 3 times but they havent bred in about 2 months and the male is 3 years old and healthy the female is about 1 year old and the rest are about 7-9 months old
thanks ~aaron
ok i have 10 pigeons 6 thumblers and 4 homers i would like to breed some of theese and i have a pair that bred 3 times but they havent bred in about 2 months and the male is 3 years old and healthy the female is about 1 year old and the rest are about 7-9 months old
thanks ~aaron
do a search on pigeon breeding, it'll give you a start in the right direction at least.
i'm not sure i understand your question...are you asking an in general how to or are you asking why they arent breeding when they had before..?
in any case, i'm too new to pigeons myself to feel confident of any answers i could offer you.
I dont know for sure, but I bet you would have to hold them really tight!lol! Maqybe someone from Alabama could tell you.........
yes i would like to know why they bred and now they dont?
i dont know specifically about pigeons but birds in general will stop breeding/ laying eggs for a # of reasons such as health issues, moulting season, housing change , new birds added to group , territorial bickering ,any type of stress such as predators lurking (ex. a cat in the area that's stalking or snake in coop etc)
hope this is helpful to you.
thanks and they are moulting and there is a cat near always how can i stop it form going near the loft i even have 2 dogs but still it strolls in
thanks and they are moulting and there is a cat near always how can i stop it form going near the loft i even have 2 dogs but still it strolls in
does the cat mess with them ? do the dogs bark ,lunge, leap at them or otherwise threaten them?
if not i would say they re taking a break in breeding while they moult and while the day light hours are shorter and temperatures are cooler.
They may not do any more breeding until spring ,that would be my guess
ok thanks the dogs did bark wen they were breeding and the cat stays on the wall and acctualy it was winter when they had there first eggs thoose that mean they might have more around winter
How do I know if my male and female pigeon like each other they have been paired up for a week but haven't been doing anything...

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