how can i combined my two flocks????


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2015
Hello everyone, hope you had a wonderful day. Two days ago i hatched 6 baby chicks, and one week prior to that, i bought 4 chicks. At the moment, i am keeping them in separate cages because they require different temperatures. however, I would like to put them all together before too long. How should i go about doing that so that they all get along with each other? And at what age? Thanks!
What is the age and size difference? I recommend doing it as soon as possible, so they can practically grow up together, but it may be harder if they're still growing, because size matters.
Right now, the ones that just hatched are about 2/3 the size of the others and about two weeks apart in age.
Once the littles are about a week old, I'd just put everyone together. different temps shouldn't be an issue, you should have enough space the birds can self regulate (be under the lamp or move away as they desire). Dealing with babies is different than dealing with adults, you don't need a long drawn-out integration process, just lots of space.

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